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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Anti-APTX4869

  1. Sorry it's late... Somebody had to delete it... well good thing there was back up... so here is the.... Part 4- False Code Misaki-chan: Well, who is it Kudo? Kudo: Hmpf IU: What’s so funny? Kudo: HAHAHAHAHA!! Chelseaj500: OHOHOHOHOHOHOH…oh…ohoho..oh.oho? wait why are we laughing? Kudo: Yohan’s code was actually so simple. IU: What? Misaki-chan: Huh? Misaki-chan: How is that a “Simple code,” huh? Kudo: You guys, would you remember what you did today and what you said? IU: No… I don’t really think about it… Kudo: Exactly! Chelseaj500: How’d you come up with that? Kudo: You helped me. Chelseaj500: I did? I mean- I sure did!! OHOHOHHOOHOHOHOH~~~!!!(Yawns) Kudo: Chelseaj500 asked me today’s date a while ago… mean she slept only 10 minutes, but could not think it was the same day, even though she saw we were still here in this room…. Misaki-chan: So you are saying that- Kudo: Yeah. You can’t possibly remember what you did the whole day… so the codes can’t possibly refer to the conversation/relation with the murderer. IU:Then what did it refer to? Kudo: Well… first…. the murderer…. (Turns to the suspects) Kudo: Is you! (Points at Grace)(Thud)(Chelseaj500 falls asleep) Grace: What? Me? How could I… Kudo: Not you…. (Tilts his hand a to the left a bit) Kudo: You! Jason! Jason: What? How can I possibly be the murderer? Kudo: This is the answer! (Shows the note with 7Bqlov.) IU: Like I said, how is tha- Kudo: The Code was on the calendar… heheheh… that made me laugh… Raoku: Kudo, why is it funny? Kudo: Have you ever checked your calendar? All: ??? Of course we do!!! Kudo: This should be easy then! Raoku: I’m lost…. Kudo: Look it said 7Bqlov… He was struggling when he was writing…. IU: We know that…. Kudo: Excuse me, Grace, but may I ask….? Grace: Yes? Kudo: ….whether Yohan was Lefty or Righty? Grace: He was ambidextrous… All: ???? Raoku: Hey, what was the point of that que Grace: But he use his left most of the time… IU: Wha-!!! Misaki-chan: That means!!! Raoku: Eh?? Kudo: I thought so.. IU: How did you figure that out? Kudo: Remember, his body when he was found? Misaki-chan: Ah! That’s why you- Kudo: Yes. That’s why I was looking for that picture. His Wrist watch was on the right wrist, meaning that he was lefty… Raoku: Why would he use his right hand to write? Kudo: Like Grace said, he is ambidextrous, his left hand held the phone up, while right hand was on the desk, which made him use the right hand to write… Raoku: but he wasn’t holding the phone when we found him… Kudo: Probably the suspect removed it from him. He must have written right away when he just flipped what ever he had on the desk, his calendar… IU: Then… what does the code mean? Kudo: Like I said you all know your calendars… All: ?? (still no clue) Kudo: Sigh… January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December…. All: What about it? Kudo: Take the first letter of each month and see….. It’s J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D…. All: …!!!! IU: Wh- what?! Misaki: Wh- whoa! Raoku: N-no way!! Kudo: Yes. The Code 7Bqlov was actually 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11! He was lefty so he could not write properly with his right hand, not to mention he was struggling from death. IU: How did you know it was- Kudo: The calendar? Well, I wondered why he would write B over twice… then when I thought of that he was lefty, he would not write well with his right, causing him to write the circles over again, trying to show that it is 8, but he couldn’t so, we read it as B instead. All the letters had extra strokes and slanted because he was getting weaker from blood loss. Raoku: You are under arrest for killing Yohan… Jason: Ow! W-w- wai-wait!! IU: Officer Raoku wait. Raoku: huh? Jason: Before I go,…. I must tell Grace something… Grace: huh? ---Flash back--- Yohan: Don’t be greedy Jason. You will never gain through greed. Jason: Gah!.. You… Yohan: Also… do me a favor… Jason: Huh? Yohan: Grace seems to be ignoring me… I think she is mad at me from what happened earlier… Jason: What is your point? Yohan: Can you tell her to come by my office once again later? Jason: Why? (Yohan opens the top drawer) Yohan: I wanted to say…. Happy 7th anniversary….. (Yohan takes out a Diamond jewelry set and drops his tears on them.) ---Flash Back--- Misaki-chan: (Opens the drawer) Ah, this… must be it….. Grace: No…. Yohan…. (Grace opens the case and as she puts them on, she cries softer and softer, as she finds the love her husband left for the last…) ##---Epilogue(Closing scene Special)-----## (3 hours of beaty sleep later) Chelseaj500: OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~~~~~~ I must have slept..... what happened here...? Hello? anyone?.... when did they leave? Kudo: We didn't leave yet Chelseaj500. Also we got the murderer, it was Jason(Tells every thing...) and yea...if i'm right the whole thing took about 3 hours Misaki-chan: Hm? did you forget? IU: Hey,hey let's finish this already... Raoku: Yeea.. Time is money.... ???: Yea time is money... and before you say anything.... Kudo: Hehhehhe... you know, I pretty much figured this wasn't a murder but test huh? ???: I see, I guess I can't fool you Kudo... IU: (Whisper->Kudo)Who is it?? Misaki-chan: I am curious... Raoku: Hey,hey, look we have been here for 3 hours... why did we have to wait 3 hours... Kudo: That's because.... well, July 6th. IU: Eh....? Misaki-chan: If that was the code it must have been a tough one. ???: Hehehe... Please Kudo, explain... Kudo: Sure. Well, if you read it, it is July, sounds like you-lie.. with a J in front. IU: What the... that's nonsense... Misaki-chan: Yea... that alone doesn't mean any thing... ???: HAHAHAH... Like I always say... observation is important.... (Walks out) Yohan: I'm not dead you know... Raoku: Eeek! Gohst? Yohan: No.... That dead body was a fake corpse.... With the help of Mohorovicic, it was created. of course, not to mention the time calculations and the body mass... that was Aeyra... Kudo: Ha.....haha *Mad Scientist underground...and Mathematician...* IU: So when did you figure it out? Kudo: When Chelseaj500 gave you a hint:... the business card.... IU: Hm? Kudo: She must have been told by Yohan, "Don't act insane, I know you want to,but during the case just give little hints... also use this to confuse people.. I'm sure they can play with this a bit... maybe." Misaki-chan: H-huh? Really, Cure-chan? Yohan: Yea.. that business card.... it was to play tricks... Sounds like you've been caught. Chelseaj500: OHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOHO~~! That was a good one too! But Kudo wasn't bothered by it.. Kudo: That business card was a mistake... Yohan... Yohan: Hm? Kudo: Look around, there are no business cards around here... meaning that someone has them... which is you.. so that means Chelseaj500 met you before the murder. It was strange how Chelseaj500 took out a brand-new card. If she kept it for long time it would have been folded. IU: Eh? how do you know? You weren't looking... Raoku: O_o.... Yohan: AH-hahha;; hahahaha;;; oh man, i did left a really good evidence I was alive... Kudo: That's not all. All: eh? Chelseaj500: I'm hungry... OHOHHOHOHOHOHO~~ who wants- Kudo: Later Chelseaj500 this 'case' isn't over yet... Raoku: Hey.... this isn't a ca- Yohan: "Every mysteries or things that has not been solved". That's what he means. Kudo: Chelseaj500 asked what time.... Chelseaj500: OHOHOHOHHOHOHOHO~~ Yes! 5 large pizzas! Also.... Kudo:(Ignores) She asked me about the time... I wondered why would she only sleep 10 minutes Yohan: Oh that... Kudo: Yeah, 10... in other words.. lo.. If she asked me at the right time,LOL.... Yohan: Hahaha..... Small things are the biggest clue you know. Great job on putting two things separately and solving it at the same time... Kudo: Heh.. yea. So? what about the suspects? Raoku: Wait.. then that Jason guy... Yohan: His name is not Jason. His name is Jonathan. All of them are my friends... IU: Hey;; that's no fun for Jonathan. He's at the police station... Yohan: No worries I already told Maurice about it so he will know. Misaki-chan: M-M-Maurice? Yohan: Yes the Chief of the police department Maurice, also the creator of DCW. (Ding-dong) Chelseaj500: Coming~ Kudo: Hey I thought this was a company?! Yohan: Well- ???: Here's the delivery... ah wait, no... I have another to deliver... Chelseaj500: It's ok Kiel.. I'll tell Yohan to give you a big tip... Yohan: Hey, wait what the... Chelseaj500: C'mon, this is for the DCW's detectives right? Yohan: sigh... fine... (Whisper-> Chelseaj500) How much.. Chelseaj500: Let's see.... 5 Large 3 toppings pizzas and 3 bottles of 2 liter soda, Hot wings.... Yohan: Dominoes? Chelseaj500: No, it's... Kiel: I-it's round tables that would be $187.52.... Yohan: (Frozen solid) K-Kiel? Chelseaj500: Well you said this is your house, so i guess you have a lot of money! OHOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHHO~~~~~~~!!! Kudo: Whoa, wait your house? Jeez no wonder.. Yohan: Ah-hahaha*No.. it isn't*;;; (Checks wallet) oh man... i need to give you tips also... Kiel: um.... yea... Chelseaj500: (Pulls Kiel) Come on! You eat too! Kiel: Ah- Yohan: Hey, hey! Wait- *I only have $100... sigh... and this is my FRIEND's house.. not mine Chelseaj500.... you were laughing and didn't listen.... I guess I'll call my friends over* -End....(for this episode...)- *Pshh-Chzzztt-kkkkkk-pttt* ???: There we go.... Yohan: Thanks for reading! Kudo: Am I going to appear in other stories as well? Yohan: That's my decision. If the character fits, and I thought you left... Kiel: uh-umm... Yohan? HM? Kiel: About the pizza delivery.... Yohan: I know, You weren't Chelseaj500 set it up... You weren't wearing the clothes for Round Table also.... Kiel:... Kudo: Where is everyone.. Yohan this is Closing special and I thought you left as well... Kudo: ... well. ok... I thought I would- Yohan: This episode I mentioned Mohorovicic and Aeyra, but did not show up because Kudo: *Hey, whoa, don't ignore me* You couldn't think of what to do... Yohan: Yes. Well Mohorovicic had "Mad scientist underground" and well, to make a corpse, we need mad scientist look real. Also Aeyra is good with calculations, and to make the corpse model, we do need to calculate the mass and all sorts... Kudo: ah-haha.... can't you just weigh- Yohan: It's actually not that simple as it sounds... any ways I hope you guys enjoyed it! Kudo: Also about the fake death- Yohan: Yea- I know the evidences don't make sense.... anyways Th- Kudo: (Steals mic) Thanks for Watch- I mean, Reading And he will see you next time! (Runs) H-Hey! I also have to mention Maurice!!!! ......That shouldn't have happened.... Some times you will see random stuff like these, and about Maurice he didn't show in the story either. But he will be soon as PD Chief. I mentioned some characters to tell you who they will be and how they will come out. Also, I'm now busy because of school, but I'll try to make stories... so.... Kudo: Until- (Push Kudo and takes mic back) Yohan: *Yes! I got my mic back..* UNTIL NEXT TIME! *For real... END..huh?* No, Wait Kudo- Kudo: Bye! (Runs) Yohan: You!! Stop!!! (Chaseed Kudo) *ChZzzzzzzztttttttttttttttt*
  2. None. I prefer bitter than sweet. Desktop or Laptop
  3. Dark Chocolate. +85% cacao Intense dark please!(darker the better. I LOVE BITTER TASTE.) Latte or Cappuccino?
  4. I think I remember this when Haibara went to see Jodie and say that she does not want to be in the Child support program. Later she tell Conan about it and think it was that scene.
  5. The dated murder part 3 is out !

    1. IdentityUnknown


      Hai, Hai, I saw it.

    2. Anti-APTX4869



      Solution part will be worth waiting......

    3. Raoku
  6. Ohhhh Death metal!!! I also enjoy classical.. someone who can't stand classical music.
  7. Ah also, Chelseaj500 I'm sorry I couldn't make you a big role in to the story, but you are the most important character. You will see why. on the solutions part.
  8. Here's what you have been waiting for: Part 3 – Murderer’s Date Grace: Can we go now, inspector? IU: We are still trying to figure- Charlie: Oh! Come on! I had a bad day today! I need to get some sleep! I can’t take this anymore! Raoku: Sir! You can’t leave yet! Sir! Misaki-chan: Please, we will let you out shortly we just need- Jason: What more do you need? We told you every thing, didn’t we? (Meanwhile, Kudo is still trying to solve the code.) Kudo: Yohan… what are you trying to say? Chelseaj500: OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~~!!! Still trying to figure it out, Kudo? Kudo: Yea… unlike you, I’m trying to solve the case… Chelseaj500: Haven’t you been listening to our conversation? We did come up with- Kudo: I know what you guys said. I’m not deaf… Chelseaj500: Then what are you doing with that paper? Kudo: Nothing… go laugh some more… Chelseaj500: Well, what ever you are doing, good luck! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~~~!! Kudo:*Gosh, what is this? Why is B scribbled twice? Is it because he was in that much pain? Man… what are you trying to do? It’s not like you're a k…*(!!!) *wait, wait a minute… if I remember correctly… (Checks his pockets) huh? Where is it? Oh crap!* (Kudo looks around) Kudo: Misaki-chan, where is Charlie? Misaki-chan: He left out side, Raoku went after him… Kudo: What?! Misaki-chan: Is something wro- (whispers “Is it him?”) Kudo: Not sure, but I need that… Misaki-chan: Oh, that, it's right here. Kudo: Thanks… Hmmm…...mhm?(!!!) Heh…*I knew it…* Misaki-chan: Kudo? Did you figure something out? Kudo: Almost… Misaki-chan: What really? Who is it? Come on! I’m your apprentice….. Kudo: You are not… you just followed me here…. Misaki-chan: Fine, I’m going to go home then (checks wallet) or not… Kudo: *The code… it is so strange…. Why….. why did he chose this code? Why did he have to put it in that way?* Chelseaj500: Yawn~ I think I have slept quite a while… what is today’s date? Kudo: Gosh Chelseaj500, you only slept 10 minutes… and to day is (looks at calendar) December 2nd… Chelseaj500: Thanks, now I’m sleepy again… OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO-ZZZZZzz Kudo: *Creepy...* *Anyways… why did I even bother to-* (!!! ) *What? W-wait Yohan, you don’t mean-* Heheheh... *You are one heck of a riddler aren't you, Yohan?* Charlie: We can’t go? Why can’t we go? IU: Please just a bit more- Grace: We gave you plenty! Jason: It stopped raining, well I guess I’m going to head home. Raoku: No, sir, plea- Kudo: No one leaves this place… (Everyone turns to Kudo) Kudo: … because the murderer is here…. IU: Really? You solved it? Kudo: Yes… Charlie: Really? I thought it was impossible... Kudo: Oh it’s possible… Grace: How? Kudo: ….because there is always only one truth. ----------------------------------------------------------- Ending + solution tonight! Who is the murderer? Did Kudo really solve the case? Truth in 3~4 hours! Kudo: Well… first… the murderer… (Turns to the suspects) Kudo: Is you! ???: What? ----------------------------------------------------------- @Aeyra oh ok. sure. I'll be sure to add you on next one. @Detective Kudo Shhh... we don't want to spoil the fun > well if you really need them, @Kiel. Sure. I now how you feel. you won't believe how much i talk about one subject... i can talk for 5 hours straight with a friendly person... I'm unusually shy at first though... Kiel- Girl - Shy/Quiet @Misaki-chan I really couldn't portray you more than an assistant. But yea, Assistants are always good.
  9. Yes. I am super lazy. and I manage to get make a time to watch DC. I've persuaded 20 people at my school to watch DC. Is it possible to make money with out work? (lol i'm jk, but please do answer this )
  10. I'd like to make Friend's and I'd also like to get to know you guys and girls better so that later in my fan fics i will include you. :D

  11. I smell a troll... lol JK Speaking of fears, I have fear in Heights/ Roller coasters (How do you get on that thing)/ speed (sometimes manageable)
  12. Wouldn't be so surprised.... if the boss was Conan's closest neighbor or someone he knows very well... Hmmmmm. lol i can imagine Conan's face after seeing who it is..
  13. Spending the last minute in the web before going to school. God i hate when school starts again.

    1. IdentityUnknown


      I still have one week of vaca left. :P

    2. Detective Kudo

      Detective Kudo

      this is my last day of vacation

    3. dw5chaosfan


      I still have another day because I'm awesome and I need to stop procrastinating. Must finish exit project.

  14. Sure, This is part of Whodunit... so feel free to try to solve this.
  15. My friend sent me this trough E mail and I got the Answer. (Took me 22 hours) Edit: ISSUE #3 This past weekend, Dr. Riddler invited a group of friends to a party of puzzles and games. During the night, Dr. Riddler presented a "special riddle" to his guests. Whoever figured it out fastest would win a great prize! The six guests who attended were Calvin Peterson, Florence Oak, David Gardner, Lester Page, Joel Pastor, and Veronica Andrews. After a lavish dinner and a few more hours of puzzle fun, Dr. Riddler began to announce the name of the person who figured out the "special riddle:" "OK now everyone...!" "The winner of..." "'The Hardest Riddle Ever' Event..." But before the good doctor could congratulate the winner, a loud noise from outside interrupted him. However, everyone knew who had won. Who won and how do you know?
  16. oh oops, my bad, i was just excited about this...
  17. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1331-the-dated-murder/ ... Part 3 will be posted in 16 hours.... solutions will be posted in 40 hours...
  18. I do. It's just that i'm not so talented.. Nerd rage = An expression of epic seriousness and madness that cannot be described with the word rage it self. (think of angry German kid in Youtube) some one who read my fan fic and understood the evilness in me...
  19. and for conanshinichi... hmmm all i know is you are the biggest Eisuke hater...;;;;
  20. I will but not this one. I'll try to get a Mathematical Mystery and put you as Detective....
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