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Everything posted by Anti-APTX4869
LOL!!! *continuously interrupts Misaki-chan* Misaki-chan: Well, sir, you see– IU: Sir, you see we would like to ask you a few questions regarding the case. *Misaki-chan stares* Cure-kun, how evil of you to torture DK like that! This is an example of "Trolling" Oh, you don't know how evil i can be. also, thats Misaki-chan not DK So far the characteristics(They are not 100% true...)are: But the Evil parts are just me. I'm not trying to be offensive here.
First off, many DCW members do know my name (um, starting from about 3 days ago). It's Jean. I won't tell you my last name. 2nd, aren't you Cure-kun now? -chan is a prefix for a girl and you're a guy... 3rd, I'm not so stupid to touch the body. (though I know you're trying to incorporate humor in there) 4th, (is really getting into editor mode now) Chelsea ends her laugh with "OHOHOHOHO", not "OHOHOHOH". 5th, why would DK be surprised to see me? Well, IdentityUnknown would make more sense to the story. I was going to use your real name in next other story if i can come up with it. oops, oh well ill fix that later, like after i post this. Yes. part 2 and 3 have a lot... Not all characters will be the exact copy of the users. he did not expect you to show up because he didn't even called the police, Chelseaj500 did (Not shown in the story for a reason... I forgot ;;; oops.) I'm a newbie writer, not so good at it (BUT I WILL, I WILL TRY). I do have creativity... I wish i can draw so i can make cartoon/manga version.... would make the story more sense..
Actually I change my mind, I'm posting Part 2 right now. I might be somewhere else today. Part 3 will come out later instead. Part 2 – Impossible Story Cipher (Door slams open) Raoku: huff, puff, Inspector! I have brought the suspects! Out of all 6 people from the list, it looks like only these 3 have met today. IU: Ok, let’s get in to investigation. Grace: M.. my name is Grace.. a.. and ..Yohan is my husband…w…who would have…. Waaa… Misaki-chan: Do you happen to know who this woman is? Grace: That’s me.. 6 years ago… I change my face because I wanted to look good in front of my husband… and… and…. IU: Calm down, now, was there anything strange about your husband? Grace: I…I shouldn’t have screamed at him… IU: Did something happen? Grace: well…. ---Flash back--- Yohan: What is it that you wanted to see me right now? I am busy as you know… Grace: Are we not going to go out to dinner later tonight? Yohan: Why? Is today something special? Grace: (Slams desk) Why? WHY? And what do you mean ,’something special’? Today is out anniversary! What were you expecting, Barbeque? Yohan: Oh that’s right, I have forgotten… sorry today must have been bad day… Grace: FORGOTTEN! (Nods) Uh-huh. You said that last year… and another before that! Yohan: Grace, I’m sorry. I will make it up to you even better dinner tomorrow. Grace: TOMORROW! (Nods) Yeah. You even said that also last time… Yohan: Please. Grace. I- Grace: SORRY! OR! NOT! I’m going to have my own dinner today. And don’t expect a welcome at home! You will sleep here tonight! (Grace turns and walks away) Yohan: Grace- Wait- I…. -------------------- Grace: Waaa…… Kudo: It’s not your fault Grace, you may rest now. (Kudo walks up to a blond man with terrified face.) Kudo: well… Jason: N.. name is Jason… I work with Yohan. He is my partner we’ve been working together since last year... Misaki-chan: so, what is y- IU: We’d like to hear your story. (Misaki-chan stares at inspector) Jason: Ah.. uh.. well.. it’s… ---Flash Back--- Yohan: Well, you’re on time today. Jason: Yohan, look this is serious. Yohan: I know, I know… but can’t you let me slip this through once? Jason: No, Yohan you have to listen. If you don’t show up on this meeting you wi- Yohan: I know, but we already have a lot of money, we’re both successful. What more do we need? Besides- Jason: Yohan! It’s your company that succeeded, not mine, not yet! Yohan: Don’t be greedy Jason. You will never gain through greed. Jason: Gah!.. You… -------------- Jason: That… was… what happened today with him… Misaki-chan: I see, it looks like you work in a different company… what is your company’s name? Jason: It is Bounder Q… we produce quizzes to schools similar to Yohan’s. Kudo:*No wonder he was posting mysteries on DCW…* So, about the meeting… when and what time is it held? Jason: It was to be held on the 7th next month, January. At 7A.M, he hates early meetings so I changed to 7P.M. but he still did not want to… Misaki-chan: oh and also- IU: That will be enough. Thank you. Raoku: Sir! Please! Calm down and take a seat! Charlie: What do you mean- Calm down? That’s my best friend! He is my Best friend I met in Low Q!! Misaki-chan: Sir abou- IU: About Low Q… what is it? (Misaki-chan stares…) Charlie: Low Q is a after school program I was in. He was there also. He helped me a lot in solving puzzles… Raoku: Sorry sir, you can’t go in to the crime scene… Charlie: Can’t I just see his body? I need to check if it is really him!! Kudo: No need. Here’s the photo of him. Misaki-chan: Why do you even carry one… Kudo: Just to make sure I don’t miss something when the body is replaced. Charlie: Nooo… why…. Raoku: Phew thank you, Kudo. It was tough keeping him out. IU: Now tell me… why did you meet him? Charlie: because… I… ---Flash Back--- Charlie: Yohan… Please… just on more month… Yohan: Charlie, it’s been 7 years! I lent you at the same day when I got married to Grace… Charlie: Please! I got half of it now… one more month then- Yohan: Charlie, just do what I say, be one of my employee, and everything will be fine! Charlie: But Yohan, if Grace finds out… Yohan: Look My friend, your cousin will not divorce with me even if she finds you working under me. Charlie: She found out were cousins at the family reunion last year! Yohan: Still, it’s either you work for me, or get that money by this week. It’s a matter of time she will find out. She already suspected me lending money to someone… she doesn’t know it is you yet.. Charlie: How can you be sure if she will find out it is me? I mean there’s no way she can prov- Yohan: She took it. Charlie: What? Yohan: She took my banking records. She will find out this week. I’m sorry Charlie… --------------- IU: Is there problem lending money to you? Charlie: I don’t know why… he never told me. Kudo: *Something. Something sounds familiar…* (looks at the paper with “7Bqlov”) *What can this mean? What is he trying to say? Gosh Yohan… making such puzzles like this…* Raoku: Inspector, do we need these suspects? They said they want to go home. IU: Sigh… I’m not sure… I have they all have something to do with 7Bqlov… Misaki-chan: What do you mean? IU: First, if we look at Charlie, he is a best friend from Low Q… and borrowed money from Yohan 7 years ago.. in other words.. 7as in 7 year loan, B as in Best friend, and qlov for quiz lover, since he is also from the program Low Q. Misaki-chan: Why would he put it so complicated? IU: (Stares) Does it look like I know? Raoku: What about the other two? Why are they suspicious? IU: Jason said he owns a company Bounder Q, and he mentioned 7 couple of times too. Since they have been working together, Yohan must have put the initials together. Raoku: but inspector… wouldn’t that make 7BQLoV? Why did he put Q, L, and V lowercased? Misaki-chan: Well, Q is lowercased because Bounder Q… if you take it apart, you can make B o under Q. B, o meaning nothing as in zero, under Q makes q. But I don’t know why the L and V was lowercased. Chelseaj500: Oh, I can answer that! OHOHHOHOHOHOHOHOH~~~~!!! If you have seen the company’s initial, it is not capitalized, but lowercased! OHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOH~~~!!! Here, this is his business card. (She shows a card, showing l.o.v.) Misaki-chan: I guess that solves it… IU: Well, Grace is Yohan’s wife. And from what I heard in the story he loves her because he did not fight back… so he loves her very much. They were dicussing about 7th anniversary. And she mentioned Yohan said BBQ…. Kudo: *Hm? The letter B is scribbled twice?* Misaki-chan: Wait, wasn’t there only 1 B there? Kudo: No, it looks like the letter B was written over twice. IU: That might explain…. Misaki-chan: Still, they are all suspicious…. UI: But which one… Raoku: Is the murderer? Kudo:*You’ve got to be kidding me Yohan…. What kind of code is this if there are too many similarities?*
So true.... She does that when she want something...
My fan fic. part 1 is posted ... hope you guys enjoy it
This time it's 4 part story (3 story line + 1 Solution.) will be posted here:
Hi guys! I was going to make this with Detective Conan Characters but I thought that we, DCW users, must show out power of knowledge to be a DC fan!!! So here is the Cast: Writer: Anti-APTX4869 Detective: Kudo Kudo’s Apprentice: Misaki-chan Victim: Yohan Hong (<---- that's my real name btw. Anti-ATPX4869 is a bit pain...) Yohan’s Friend: Chelseaj500 Yohan’s Wife: Grace Yohan’s Business partner: Jason Yohan’s Best Friend: Charlie Inspector: IdentityUnkown Police officer: Raoku *note: Grace,Jason, and Charlie are my real life friends and this story is made up(of course)* *I'm NOT married to Grace in real life; Jason and Charlie are my Best friends* ** means thinking or talking to self. () means the actions they take, or event that is happening in the story. Part 1- At the sound of thunder… Yohan: Yes, Hello? ???: (Chzzzzzzt—) Heh,… Yohan: Hello? Who is this? ???: You will see… very soon…(Click! beep- beep-) Yohan: That’s weird I think I know that voice… oh well… (Yohan calls Chelseaj500 via phone) Yohan: Chelseaj500, can you bring me a copy of new post, Whodunit in DCW? Chelseaj500: Ehh? Can’t you check it in your computer? Yohan: The internet seems to be down. So I’m asking you. Chelseaj500: Ok, I’ll be there soon. OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH…..OH. Yohan: Thanks... (Hangs up) Yohan: Now, where was I…. (10 minutes passed. Suddenly, the door opens slowly.) Yohan: Is that you, Chelseaj500? You sure are fast. ???: Hello Yohan, I think it is time to….. (Takes out a knife) ???: Meet. Your. End. Yohan: W-, wait, you are-! (Yohan got the phone to call the police but the phone line was cut.) Yohan: No! Wait! Why are you doing this? What do you wan- Ahhh…. (Yohan was stabbed from the back as the thunder strikes. He fell on the desk with the knife on his back. Murderer steps away from the body.) ???: It’s late, time for you to sleep… and let’s see…hmpf.(picks up a piece of paper) I don’t want to see this again. (Rips a piece of paper and tosses it on the floor next to trashcan.) (The murderer left the room, Yohan was struggling, and eventually died in place.) (After an hour, Chelseaj500 came in to the room) Chelseaj500: Hey Yohan! I got the papers you requested~~~!!!!! OHOHOHOHOHOH~~~!!!! Sorry it took so much time~~ It started raining outside an hour ago and I had to- (Drops papers) (Chelseaj500 witnessed the body covered in blood.) Chelseaj500: OHOHOHOHOH~~ are you playing dead again? This time it looks so real!! I gotta say, I’m very impressed this time! I though you were- (Cleseaj500 examines the body carefully, and finds the knife was stuck on his back.) Chelseaj500: -dead? Yohan?! (30 minutes passed…) Kudo: So, you are saying that YOU found the body? Chelseaj500: Come on Kudo, you know me from DCW.. ;;; and YES I FOUND THE BODY OHOHOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOOHOHO~~~~!!! He is the founder of logic or victory!!! He’s quite success you know…OHHOHOHOHOHOOOHOHHO~~!! Kudo: *Not her laugh again… doesn’t she think this is serious?* Well, ok, so is this exactly how the body was? Chelseaj500: Yeah, I haven’t touched a thing. It looks like he was- Misaki-chan: Stabbed to death. Looks like Anti-, I mean Yohan was stabbed and bled to death. Chelseaj500: Hey! How rude! I was tal- Kudo: Did you figure out when he was murdered? Chelseaj500: (stares at Kudo and turns away) Hmpf! Misaki-chan: Looks like between 1~2 hours ago, judging from rigor mortis. (Someone steps in, with face covered with black scarf, and Sunglases.) IdentityUnknown: Well, well, if it isn’t the Great Detective Kudo…. Raoku: Inspector, please, wait up;;;! IdentityUnknown: Officer Raoku, please check the scene. Kudo: Aaack! You?! Why are you here? IdentityUnknown: I have a name you know, oh wait, you don’t know. Chelseaj500: (Eavesdrops conversation) OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~~!! Sorry, please go- go-on- OHOHOHHOOHOHOHOHOHOHOH~~! Misaki-chan: Inspector, uh, well, - IU: Call me Inspector IU. Misaki-chan: Inspector IU, Kudo and I have already examined the body and found that the wrist watch was on his right arm, ink pen on his right hand, and a torn up picture of a woman laying on the floor beside the trash can. IU: I see, is there any more? Misaki-chan: Well- Kudo: Well, we haven’t search the whole room yet. We only have been here for about 20 minutes. Raoku: Inspector! I have found something! (Inspector IU and Kudo rushes to the body, where officer Raoku called.) (Meanwhile,) Chelseaj500: Hey, um Misaki-chan right? Misaki-Chan: Yes, what it is? Chelseaj500: Are you sure that was the only thing you saw? Misaki-chan: No, I was about to tell them about the stuff on his desk. It seems to be that Yohan had a personal calendar turned to July 6th, but today is December 2nd… Chelseaj500: I thought so! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH~~! Misaki-chan: *Wow, She really is the craziest person in DCW;;* Wait, how’d you know? Chelseaj500: Because I am a psychic! OHOHOHOHOHOH~~ Misaki-chan: *Scratch that, She really is the most insane person in DCW;;;;* Raoku: It seems to be that the telephone was picked up by the victim. Also, there is a memo with a list of people he met today. Kudo: Hmm? Is that writing on that personal calendar next to that memo? IU: We will examine further while officer Raoku gather the information from the people the victim met today… who is the victim anyways, a rich guy? Kudo: Unfortunately, it’s one of the new guys in DCW last week, Yohan. You will probably know him as “Anti-APTX4869” IU: WHAT?! Cure-kun! WHO DID THIS TO YOU?! Kudo: He’s dead inspector. Also you should know well that you are not supposed to touch the body… IU: Oh, sorry… anyways about the writing… Kudo: It’s hard to read. Chelseaj500: Oh? Will that be his Password to his account? OHOHOHHOHOHO~~ Kudo: ;; hmm what would this mean? Misaki-chan: I was trying to tell you… I examined it carefully, and it looks like it’s said “7Bqlov” though, I gotta say, Yohan have a horrible handwriting. Chelseaj500: See? That must be a password!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOH~~~ Kudo: *Ah,haha.... can't se stop laughing? Well, I guess I gotta get used to it...* Part 2 coming before 10PM (Pacific time) So what'd ya think? If you want to be in my next story, Post: your Personality/ characteristic Boy/Girl specialties/ Quotes (like Chelseaj500 laughs OHOHOHOHOHOHOH~~! most of the time...)
FINISHED 100% ah..... it will be on fan fic
Joke i made in Biology class: Two mushrooms are going on a date. The Guy mushroom told so many jokes, Girl Mushroom said:
I have finished the story... there are 3 parts + solution part. I wrote it so that it is a Fan fiction showing the Power of DCW.. (oooh i like that name...) so can i post on Fan Fic?
@Identityunknown In the story you interrupt Misaki-chan's conversation frequently.. that because I'm not sure how to make you famous in the story other than being "unknown"
OK I just read this. and.... I need to make a pic thing? I'll try.. but how do i put pic on the the signature? Edit: Never mind, found it...
3!6!9!12!15!.. oops i mean 3069
To troll pretty much means playing around until that person goes "nerd rage" Trust me, If you are my facebook friend, you will see me trolling my friend a lot. Someone who is on nerd rage
@IdentityUnknown I will try to talk to a lot of people. Mohorovicic = Mike = Mafia. got it. I know Aeyra. She is an incredible mathematician. i tried to solve her problem and i have no idea still. Forever lost = talk to her a lot for info.. got it. @IdentityUnkown + Misaki-chan Can you describe yourself as in how you want to be seen in story? @ Misaki-chan Yes I LOVE HUGS. I babysit so i know how much hug is important(symbol of care & love). btw the story's progress (%)
It will have 2~3 files to finish mystery just like DC. (trust me if it comes to story writing like plays, I take around 10~20 pages to finish the whole story) I don't want DCW people to be suspects. also, it will kill the whole story and i have to think it up again. (But if i can think of one, i will!) Yay a hug I like hugs! I've been hugging babies too much... (I babysit for $15 per hour..pretty good deal...) Btw. about the others... -Mohorovicic - will come soon, in other story. how is his personality like? -Aeyra - mathmatician... hmm ill try to think of one. -Forever Lost - I haven't really met...(If i did i have bad memory.) same question as Mohorovicic. -Maurice - since he is admin, I will include in story as the chief of the police department. or God
Similar, I use O_o alot. Haven't used it here cuz idk I'm unusually shy at first. I like to troll around but not shown in DCW though. so..... Someone who likes to troll around like me
It's more like Mystery solving. I will try to make it funny because people get just too serious trying to solve the case. Here's the DCW people who are in the story.
I see. well good, (Phew) I should get to know people more...
About the topic, Story, does it have to be DC related/based? Well the one I'm writing a mystery right now and it is DCW related(characters are DCW people). If you guys read the "Whodunit" you will know what I mean. Just to make sure that I post it on the right place. (either Story topic , or the game "Whodunit") thanks in advance!
I wonder if he really did break his comp and not coming online to reply this post.... O_o