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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Anti-APTX4869

  1. The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. it's a good book.
  2. hmmm... this should be in front page... anyways, I'm posting my present next weeek.... idk, wednesday?
  3. ... yea.... but she knows already... I think. she should know. I mean, you would know when a guy you know for 4 years suddenly started to buy stuff for you right? ... I should buy something solid cuz I've been giving her something to eat.... =_= it's sad when you realize your pocket is empty.... and now, her sister and her friends are teasing me to tell them EVERYTHING. Maybe I shouldn't have done it at all, but it was a good chance, you know?
  4. I'm going to watch Sherlock Holmes again!!! XD

  5. I'm really against intelligence being genetics. No one is "smarter" than anyone... they are structured differently, so they work differently. I don't see the point on putting someone in pressure so that they would do equally or better than others...

    1. Valkyrie


      Woah! Relax! Don't tear your hair out! Just do you best alright? All the best and good luck! :)

  7. ^ just what KKLT said. It seems difficult to stop the rumor, but it's not that hard. KKLT said the best solution. As for me, I went to watch the performance of the girl I like. After it ended, I gave her pink roses which means grace.... I chose that because her name is Grace. onething that gets me though, her grandparents saw me. O_o;;; and her sister figured it out...
  8. Might not get on today... D: Have work to do... <_< I'll get on saturday at least.

    1. Metantei Kiddo
    2. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie





  9. Oh man the first one was good... well, not THAT good since there were some disappointing parts... My rate for first one : 8.5/10 dunno, some part was a bit odd I guess.. or I'm getting mixed up. I'll watch again today... sometime later. This second one, I heard that the sneak peek was good. So I kinda have high hopes on this one.
  10. *hands Misaki-chan's Cyber-Cookies*
  11. I like things that are bitter. Dark French Roast Black Coffee. (Sometimes Soy Milk.) That's not the end of it. I pour the coffee back in to the machine and make coffee with coffee instead of water... mmmmmm This bitter, smoky, rich, bold tastes.... maybe I should make coffee with Espresso instead...
  12. *Stop sign gets stuck in the machine* *kicks* *Stop sign pops out* Insert heart.
  13. It's okay. I just need to know Japanese. I've played a lot of games like these... just click around and eventually you get it... but it looks fun if I understand Japanese though./
  14. 508..? oh man, this is slightly unfair. if you look at the statistics, 53% women around the world. 47% men. ... 6% difference . it's still huge. lol
  15. I'm going to wait 2 weeks. I don't like it when it is crowded, which it usually is when it first comes out.
  16. Posted wrong comment in wrong comment box in FB. ... too late to fix since every one saw it... omg....
  17. so the point of this topic is, You win, but you lose by another person, but the new winner will lose to another. this will repeat regardless of you butt in or not. it's the circle of life...
  18. oh lol;; my bad. My comp was laggy and I think it didn't go to last page.... lololol
  19. well, another encounter w/ B.O series?... I guess it is. it feels kinda weird though. I guess I wasn't really expecting B.O yet.
  20. I am so behind... I don't remember a lot from the Original series, and I stopped watching Shippuden at Ep 30 or something..... Fav characters: Kakashi : ooohh.... I like his Jutsu. they are awesome, and I like the ninja dogs.(they look like Naruto characters?) Rock Lee : Rock rocks at 8th gate Hinata <3 : Shy girl. lovely though. I usually like tough girls but since this anime/manga is ninjas... most of them are tough. So I guess I like girls who are different/odd/unusual/special/or... yeah, you get what I mean,,,
  21. I don't really like any K-pop in general, but Jessica is my favorite. The reason is because, if you have watched Korean show Infinity Challenge, she was singing partner with my favorite Comedian Myung Soo Park... and her voice was just beautiful when she sang.
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