It's not that unusual not to spawn Queens though. I've seen queenless players before.
I used to do Stalker + Immortal + Collosii, but now I don't know what to do since they nerfed protoss so much. They became weaker than they used to be in SC1. I think I might do random build since I forgot almost everything.
In Terran I mass marines+ stim and Marauders(shell upgrade ) with some thors in the party.
Zerg.... I'm really bad at micro....
The thing about Charge is, it ruins the game in the beginning when you just rush in. If you have a zealot with charge, Terran is screwed even if they have marauders. (lol funny scene.)
I think Protoss have many disadvantages against Zerg because their speed is insane compared to Protoss. It's like the only unit that protoss can out run against zerg unit is Overlord without speed upgrade...
I need to improve speed... lol