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Everything posted by Anti-APTX4869

  1. Sure I can, but it's just that Moho hasn't made any progress (or is still working on it) for the Korean classroom. 1. You have to know the consonent/vowel and their sounds for the start. 2. Start practicing combinations. 3. Unique sounds and the rules of reading/pronouncing Korean. 4. Basic vocabs for survival. 5. Grammar. Expect a lot of vocabs. After that, it's more Advanced. meaning there's much more. 1. Rule of Formal and Familiar: Similar to Japanese, there's formal, and familiar add-ons and phrases/words. Expect vocabularies. 2. ??** If you can take the challenge: Hanja (Kinda like Kanji, but there are some characters ONLY used in korea and NOT used at all. Some also have different meanings. and of course, pronounciations are differnt but some are similar like Yak-sok, meaning promise) others are: Slangs, dialects, etc... Slangs are easy to learn, but dialect is very difficult because there different words they use and they have their own Grammar... **Yohan and I have to think... It's been long time I've spoken Korean. I got all this from Yohan via mail... he knows more Korean than I do.
  2. But it's just too funny how he calls himself tone deaf while it actually sound okay... maybe it's because of what you call "being paranoid"... he sings it, and he says he is out of tune. it's actually because of his voice just can't go that high. I think his voical range is not good for the singing...
  3. I'm not kidding. he plays soft unless he have to (especially sfz and that > thingy. I can't read music...) rarely, he stops playing just to tune his cello/guitar and guess what? he turns the peg very little and you can't even tell the difference. he only tune it when he is alone or with someone that is close to him. honestly, I have no idea how he can tell the difference between before and after tuning.
  4. I think that's what I have. I can catch notes pretty fast when it's only one. I just tried out, I'm not Perfect pitched... I think Yohan is just talented in finding the difference in tones he always talk about how his head shakes when the notes are not tuned even though it sounds tuned he says that it's bothering him a lot so it has to be in-tune perfectly. He tunes his instruments every 5 min when he plays it(except Piano)... but funny how he says he is tone deaf.
  5. but then again, I don't think he completely lost it, maybe it's because the tone-deafness(which he doesn't have but he thinks he does)
  6. O_o. looks like Yohan posted here saying I'm Perfect Pitched? interesting, I should check it out. and I think he forgot that I also played violin... funny thing is, Yohan can tune instruments faster than I can... I think he was perfect pitched but lost it like KKLT
  7. Ugh, i know, it's really not easy being married. it's all rumors when they said it's all happy and stuff. But you do get to do fun stuff alot.
  8. exactly. what's more suspecious is that Annie was with them most of time as well. I feel uncomfortable around moms.
  9. +1. very nicely done! Shinichi = grrrr XD
  10. like few hours ago. but they were always like that since the beginning of my relationship with Annie.
  11. It's Cure-kun. Finally someone to talk to Gosh, DCW is not like it used to be... anyways, Idk, I'm not sure what I heard between the mom's and mother-in-law's conversation.... but it just sound something like they planned this all along or something. maybe I heard it wrong, or maybe it was my imagination...
  12. Cure-kun: I don't drink. probably it's the food... That's what I thought too. and look what happened.... Amen. It really does.... Enjoy as much as you can. --------------------------------------------- For some reason, I feel like a puppet in the family.
  13. That's why it up early i guess. 6 weeks to work on it. according to the info. For me, that's plenty of time for about 3 people... according to my schedule.
  14. huhh.... i wonder what happend to the photos.. I'll fix it soon,.
  15. It still amazes me how you do it.!
  16. I'm in!!! And it's pretty obvious for some people lol.
  17. Went to UCLA with Yohan for Science fair thingy. He told me there was a Science topic somewhere and told me to post some of the pics. Ooohhh plsma Cool stuff with light. I forgot what it was but they give you a special kind of glasses. (Before& After) This is Yohan on the Torque and Angular momentum demonstration if the img too big... sorry.
  18. I would like to know that for myself. but that's one possibilty. I don't remember alcohol, but I did drink a glass f something(?) oh no... please not again,... but if it was alcohol, I would have noticed unless I was eating something that kills my taste buds like something very spicy or bitter. *cough*take note, Yohan, who loves "that girl" but denies it.*cough* As for your story, I completely understand. but it's not good to have multiple crush at the same time. It causes a lot of trouble, meaning it's best to stick to one person at a time. But that doesn't mean being with one person, then leaving to get another right away(bad reputation towards you, probably the reason why your first crush left.) And I think you made it a bit too obvious of what you were going to say to your second crush. It's really difficult to have a "love life" when there are too many attention, which is probably why she left you. Oh and I know what you mean about your best friend,... From what I know, girls need time. a lot of time, unless it's the girl who have crush on you. *Sigh* I remember back in my highschool days, we were hiding to hang out... someitmes even undercover. When someone that one of us know pass by or notice us, we would prtend to be studying or She/I would say something so that it won't look suspicious. The whole hiding thing wasn't over until I proposed to her. ....oh I think Yohan didn't tell you guys/girls this yet. In short, Takes a lot of guts to do that.... and the teacher kinda scolded me for not asking permission though;;;
  19. Greetings, DCW, it's Cure-kun.~~!!!

    1. Anti-APTX4869


      I hope Yohan could hav ejoined, but he had research to do. D:

    2. Anti-APTX4869


      I hope Yohan could hav ejoined, but he had research to do. D:

    3. Metantei Kiddo
    4. Show next comments  87 more
  20. Greetings, DCW, it's Cure-kun.~~!!!

  21. WEll, it's a long story to explain.

  22. WEll, it's a long story to explain.

  23. ughh.... women talking stuff about me. it gets annoying.
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