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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Anti-APTX4869

  1. Anti-APTX4869


    There are a lot of Japan only Games like Detective Conan. I really want this game but it's only in Japan. and it's really old too. called Boktai 3 for GBA.
  2. I think I remember this anime.... if it is all about Bread, I remember watching one part where the main character strikes a spoon on a Burnt Croissant and the burnt crust breaks. Inside there's a golden Croissant or something. it was some random clip... I saw
  3. TIME, Y U GO SO FAST? ..

    1. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      Time replied"Because I'm gold" :D

    2. IdentityUnknown


      I'm asking the same question.

  4. -got drunk (Accidental) --Grace thought it was the cider(?) there is a juice in a wine bottle and she thought it was that. it tasted like one too... Judy said we were acting weird. I kinda remember... it was stupid. -got punched by Grace's ex.(this was funny though) --He came out of no where. Literally. Well, I was just teasing Grace because she was teasing me and He thought I was harassing her(?) But all I did was playing with her hair and she likes it when I do that. -Grace's birthday --pretty much Happy birthday and a necklace for present. Judy got jealous lol. -Judy(Grace's sis) actually said she likes me herself. (O_o;;; wha?) --This was like 2 or 3 weeks(?) ago. Eh... Grace don't really mind.. -My family came back from Alaska --... they knew I wouldn't go there. --All of my fish died... -anndd.... hm. I don't think this is appropriate to say it here... kinda --Basically Judy misunderstood. I was looking for something that Grace told me to bring... It was a facial massage pack thingy.... Judy thought something else.
  5. well that's because I took out the bad stuff. Like how much Judy annoys me. I only put like 5 things out of million
  6. Anti-APTX4869


    I want to go to japan so that I can buy Japan-exclusive items.... most things are not sold in other countries other than Japan... and that sucks lol. Hmmm...
  7. ? Which one? Welcome Back!! Do I? Well, talking about life is fun huh?
  8. Anti-APTX4869


    I thought I was gonna see your face... JK Cool I like that Heart shaped rock and the statue.
  9. uhhh -got drunk (Accidental) -got punched by Grace's ex.(this was funny though) -Grace's birthday -Judy(Grace's sis) actually said she likes me herself. (O_o;;; wha?) -My family came back from Alaska(... they knew I wouldn't go there.) -All of my fish died... -anndd.... hm. I don't think this is appropriate to say it here... kinda
  10. Too many things happen while you were gone.
  11. it's been (too) long time we haven't talk Misaki-chan!! :mrgreen:
  12. Later Guys/Girls~ I'll probably come back on Monday or Tuesday.

    1. Aeyra


      That's a while away... But see you then.

  13. Kakashi - 1000 years of death. Rock lee - I'm Taijutsu freak. I don't like the girls though.
  14. Lol Korean. It's easy when you get used to it. I know the Grammar is similar to Japanese so this would be easy if you know Japanese. The hard part is the spacing and consonant+vowel combination.
  15. oh man, I just got a text saying her cousins are also coming so I have to go right away as soon as the class is over.
  16. Bugs, Insects, they are still arthropods...
  17. Grace's Birthday today ~

    1. Anti-APTX4869


      lol oh hey you're on :D

    2. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      Happy birthday to your GF Cure-kun!

    3. Aeyra


      Yup! I'm on and off, but I'm on most of the time. ^^

    4. Show next comments  132 more
  18. ;;; I'm kinda like... uh scared of them. but it's mostly because I don't want to kill the little living thing that have done no harm... I feel sad for it... Grace says "Who cares? *Smack*"
  19. I can't kill bugs..... so... I'm not a guy....?? O_o Grace is good at killing it though. she kill them with bare hands. *Wham*
  20. Riiiighhhhtt ... lol well... The problem is Judy. How do I get her off me I don't know.
  21. yup.

    I have problems with relationships now... I have to get Judy off me somehow... ugh

  22. Lol Ace Ventura as in Jim Carey(? can't spell his last name) that was very funny though

  23. Judy thinks I'm not a "guy" just because I don't have anything "naughty" lol...
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