I'm not sure where the original picture went.... but you know how it looks like!
Ummmm... Ignore the background... there's some lines...
Ok, so.... uhhh I forgot to take picture of the first step, but oh well, it's just circles anyways...
-Sketch: Face
-Sketch: Ears
-Sketch: Hair
-Sketch: part of letter
So this is very quick sketch of her bangs. It's just there so that I would have an "idea" where things, go...
-Sketch: Eyes
-Erase: Bangs (Our left)
-Sketch: Eyebrows
-Sketch: Nose
.... uhhh... it looks weird lol....
-Sketch: Hand
-Sketch: Body
-Sketch: Letter
-Sketch: Hair (our bottom right)
Ok, from this point, I gave up on the hand. I can't draw it.
-Fix: Heart
-Sketch: Shines/Shades
-Darken: All of the lines
-Shade: Hair
-Shade: Lightly on the eye
-Shade Cloth/Scarf(?)
-Fix: Index finger
-Erase: To make a pattern on the... scarf(?)
-Erase: Part of cloth for shine
-Shade: Lightly on the hair
-Shade: Lightly on the face (our right)
Phew that was some typing....