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Everything posted by Anti-APTX4869

  1. ^^;;; thanks! EDIT: @ KKLT Graphite? Yes Are all pencils useable? Yes Or only some of them? Uhh... it depends Does graphite mean carbon? Graphite is a simple form of carbon bonds, so it is easy to break down. Which is why we can write. Erm... what kind of graphite do I need to use? Any. It depends on a person though. Did you do your shadings with just one type of pencil? Like 2B or 6B or??? I sketch with 4H first, then Darken with 4B... I also use 4B for shading. Did you use an ink pen to do the outline??? No, I hate ink when I'm drawing. I mess up easily so I don't really use ink. I only use pen when I'm taking notes in class though. >_< Ops... too many... questions XD Sorry... \ It's fine
  2. I don't mind anyone using my drawings or ideas. I joined DCW to share, not dominate.
  3. some took me days. literally.

  4. no, just yelling and stuff. Gosh, that was insane if you ask me.
  5. she fought with the stalker... and now she is mad.
  6. sucks. 3 of my friends are moving to central/east US after school ends... And now what am I going to do to get Grace not get mad at me....느_느
  7. Hmm I can't seem to find them oh well...
  8. What I would do is... make squares. (grids) and count the number of squares that have the petals, count petals in one box and multiply by the number of boxes that have petals... better than counting one by one...
  9. @_@ Too lazy, I would just estimate.
  10. O_o...;;; i'm too lazy to draw all that X_X
  11. O_o. you are making a lot... If I were to do that, i would just draw different shapes in different sizes.
  12. Shading is actually easier with Graphite. Get a portable pencil sharpener and cut some graphites. then rub them on your finger and rub on the paper. That's how I used to do them now I just rub the pancil onmy index finger and rub it on the paper. Or If you already shaded in for the hair with graphite, rub your finger on it and yea... just get your finger dirty and rub. Thank you!
  13. lol petals they are easy to draw
  14. O_o Background is usually hard to draw for me.;; I don't know somekind of building?
  15. Looks like Grace is bored and can't sleep.
  16. Hmmmm... I want to know what paint markers Aoyama Gosho used.... those colors were stunning.
  17. Crayola sucks. I know they are the originals but... the colors are not so... how do I say this... vivid
  18. Idk, I don't like colors cuz I don't have the right colors,.... But with 1 pencil, you can show many different stuff....
  19. Yea. Now it looks smaller (my face/head is big as well) but If you see my picture when I was an infant... It's a Manga character. Seriously.
  20. Actually, I like Graphite art back then also. I really don't like coloring. But with pencils.... just with some little tricks, you can make some cool pictures! like Heiji, I can make his skin darker without making so much work trying to 'color in'. All I have to do is get some graphite on my finger and rub.
  21. BIG EYES JUST LIKE ME!!!! :twisted:
  22. I'm into Graphite Art now.... I don't like colored pencils. Too much work
  23. The reason I like Sphynx is because they hug you more often. They need to get warmed up since they don't have much hair. They do have hair... it's called vellus hair. It's really thin, clear hair.
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