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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Anti-APTX4869

  1. When Cure-kun arrived, He could not find them. HUH? they were just here a while ago... "I WANT THIS ONE!!! LOOK!! IT'S SO CUTE!!! X3" Grace squeaked. "Ok,ok, here, I'll go pay for it." Cure-kun was still looking for them. Then, he noticed them at the ice cream shop right across. "Grace, do you want an ice cream? I'm sure you love C&C flavor." Cure-kun offered. "How'd you know I was going to ask that? but, I want cheesecake right now." Grace said. If I would say that we have to go to ice cream shop, she will get suspicious." OK, let's go to that cheesecak store over there." he pointed. "Great! let's go!" Grace ran towards to the shop, while Cure-kun was getting his receipt. "It's nice to see such young couples." said the cashier, "I added a special gift for both of you." "Thank you ^^;;" Cure-kun said as he tries to catch up to Grace. "Huhuhu..." Cashier smirked. (Guess who? ... IU will probably kill me.)
  2. They are still good. I love +85% cacao. 80% is ok, but I think it is a bit weak for my taste.
  3. Cure-kun thought that thinking about the girls would be a bad idea when he is in a date, so he started to pay more attention to Grace. "...but why does that happen? I mean..." Grace kept on continuing. Great, I knew I should have been paying attention earlier... Cure-kun thought. "... so what do you think?" Grace asked. "Hm? What do I think what?" Cure-kun questioned. "Have you been listening? I was talking about why history would repeat itself." Grace glared with her 'Haibara' eyes. "Oh, well, I guess that's the similar to asking 'why is there a life?' but you know, what I think is that it's not hte history that is repeating, but the government itself is using the same tactics as before. Things never change in our 'government system,' if you know what I mean." Cure-kun gave a speech.(note: This is an actual event.) "O_o. Ok, you're not a president so don't give out a speech..." Grace said. She was actually enjoying his opinion, but she seemed to be frustrated. "Well, why not go check out that toy store?" Cure-kun said randomly. "Eh? We're not kids... what, do I look THAT young? " Grace teased. (Note: She Loves teasing, just like Haibara.) "Yes, little girl, let's get you another teddy bear to put in your collection." "Yay~! ... wait seriously?" Grace questioned. "Huh? Oh, you don't want them? OK~ then let's go to tha- O_O;;;" Cure-kun was interrupted by Grace's glare. She was sending messages that she want that teddy bear. "I'm joking...;;;" Cure-kun said nervously, "Come on!" He held her hand tightly as he began to run. Cure-kun did that on purpose. He knew Grace would want that Teddy Bear. His main goal was to figure out who those girls were and if they are actually who he think they are: Misaki-chan, Aeyra, and Chleseaj500. There was another girl, which he suspects that she is IU, but he does not think that IU would be mixed in with other DCW members that easily. He soon got close to them just enough to eavesdrop their conversation without getting noticed.
  4. I talk like a girl don't I?
  5. Something about work. i don't care. they don't need me anyways. I don't know if I even exist there.

  6. I don't know that yet.

    My parents haven;t decided where to move.

  7. I need those stuff.... 90% Cacao? I really need them
  8. I would. But I don't have friends that are THAT close... Only friend I can rely on is Grace, but... she's a Girl! I can't invade a Girl's house...

  9. Cure-kun had weird feeling about the group of girls he saw. Somehow, this feeling inside of him knew who they were, but Cure-kun did not. "You look a bit confused there, yo-yo! Are you cheating on me ? Just kidding!! XD " Grace teased. "You just love teasing smart people like me huh? " Cure-kun teased back, "Oh? You think you're smart? Then answer this... 3x67.... " Grace continued, spitting random numbers. Cure-kun was barely paying attention. He was curious about them. He heard the voices of two girls which were so familiar... There was a slight spark in his brain that he remembered something, but the spark went off... Where... where have I heard those voices...? "Hello~ Mr.Einstein! " Grace yelled, startling Cure-kun "Huh? Oh, uhh... 9." Cure-kun answered. "Wow how'd you do that?" Grace was rather excited than surprised. "That was amazing! You need to tell me how you just did that!" Grace begged. "Uhhh.. I don't know... haha;; ha;...."oh no, she's making that Haibara face... "Uh... since there were many divisions, I just canceled them out... and eventually got the answer.." Actually I guessed haha;;; A very lucky guess... "Wow! That's the Mr.Nerd I know!" Grace hugged. "Ahh, you almost made me spill my coffee! But that's okay." He hugged back. He was still curious about the girls. He wanted to talk to them but his hands were tied.
  10. THANK YOU SO MUCH! That's what I needed! I'll try these out and see if it works out better. THANK YOU AGAIN!!
  11. Detective Kudo, you are amazing! O_O Its accuracy is just as good!! I am envy yet admiring your skills.
  12. Which one should I choose: My Love or My Family? I choose My Love...

    1. Misaki-chan


      Translation please?

    2. Anti-APTX4869


      Oh, my heart, I cannot leave you! (note: I think in Spanish, My love is expressed as My Heart.)

    3. hopes


      ESPANOL!! :D

      ...You're so deep Cure-kun...

    4. Show next comments  252 more
  13. Ew. I thought this chocolate was dark chocolate... turned out to be my worst enemy: Caramel.....
  14. *Sigh* Let's see what's going to happen... then I'll decide whether I should stay at home or not.
  15. I refuse to move if it is too far away from Grace. I'm moving out of my house.

  16. Cure-kun yawned, looked at the time. He realized his watch was broken, an hour fast. "Oh man, I could have gotten out an hour later... oh well, earlier the better..." He tried to take a sip on his coffee just to find out that he already finished them. "... I need refill..." He murmured as he walked. "I need a refill, and 4 more shots please..." Somehow, somewhere, he felt someone looking at him. He felt it was weird, but somehow glad. He frowned and went back to his seat, ans saw Grace sitting there. "Grease!! " "Well someone is an early.... rooster eh?"(note: I was born at the year of chicken... the Chinese Zodiac thing...) Grace teased. "Yea. I am... wait, it's bird, not rooster " Cure-kun replied. " For your information, Mr.Smartypants, Rooster is a bird, except it can't fly." Grace teased again. (note: if you don't get it, I have Acrophobia...) "Well for your information, they can fly, but they can't fly very far." Cure-kun objected. "Anyways, let's go, I'm bored... where are we going?" Grace inquired. "It better not be shopping." "Come on, I got something to show you!" Cure-kun packed his stuff and snatched her hand "And I'm sure you will like it!"
  17. I'm upset at my family. that's all....


    He has my respects. (even though he is fictional)

    I get on 5PM~3AM PST around those times in between,on and off, etc...

  19. Someone is keep on deleting my Word files... Good thing I'm saving them in my flash drive...
  20. Cure-kun overheard someone say Misaki-chan, Aeyra and Chelseaj500. He thought the voice was familiar... too familiar. He looked around and just saw some girls talking. Hm... Nah, can't be... I must be imagining things.... He takes a sip of his coffee, and sighs. He looks at the girls again, and starts to wonder Where have I heard that voice before?
  21. >_< that's cuz we're not on at the same time.

    ;) but at least we can talk like this.

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