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Forever Lost

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Everything posted by Forever Lost

  1. Wasting away :DDD You?

  2. Ick... good luck with that o.o;;;

  3. *hugs back* Normal, I suppose :) You?

  4. You should go ahead and try out! The OP and ED are already being sung in English by AnnaLaLaDreams, though..
  5. "I don't waaaannnnaaaa get up...... leave me alooone" Forever Lost grumbled, rolling over. Her friend shook her shoulder. "Come on! Mom said we need to get up!!" Finally giving in, Forever Lost sat up and stared at her friend. "Where are we going to go?" Her friend grinned. "Wherever we feel like!" Forever Lost just continued staring. Was that really a good thing? Either way she stumbled over to the shower.
  6. Even if you run it through, it'll only show up as through a private proxy.. believe me o.o
  7. >.<''' I found out that they weren't too bad 'cause I had all my previous tests to look at

  8. XDD Ick, finals! >.< Goodluck with them! At least tomorrow is friday :D

  9. No, she'll just show up as through a private proxy
  10. Forever Lost was in complete shock. She had to literally ask her friend if they were really in New Jersey over and over. Her friend started getting annoyed. "Just go to sleep, my mom is going to kill us if we can't get up tomorrow." Forever Lost turned over in her hotel bed and stared at the wall. Her own mom would never let her go with her friend and her mom to New Jersey for a week, or so she thought. This was crazy and awesome. It'd been awhile since she'd been out of state.... She finally drifted to sleep in the early morning hours of the night.
  11. Not for another month o.o July....8th... HOLY CRAP IS IT JULY ALRE- oh wait.. we haven't had Fourth of July yet...
  12. >.> No permission take-backs I'll do it tomorrow 'cause I'm kind of out of it and I don't want to ruin it o.o
  13. I would've pointed that out but I wasn't sure if something happened that I wasn't aware of or something... Nana-chan, help me make kaichou add the pairing to the list >3> guyxguy? o.o
  14. LOOK, KAICHOU! she agrees!!! SO ADD IT :DDDD :DDD :DD *dies past death with smiles*
  15. FICTIONAL PAIRINGS OF DCW - Mohorovicic x IdentityUnknown (Moho x Kaichou/Mark x Jean) *evil grin* *gets slaughtered*
  16. XD Yes it is :D I made it creditless (it's from the ending) and added effects to it and such but yepyep.. I love Victorique :D Fridays are great days for that reason :D

  17. LOL I was wondering if that was a mistake XDDD I do that all the time, don't worry >.> And I have to sing my ABC's to figure out which letter comes after which and so on so :D

  18. Hey you all should keep tabs on the auditions video responses - the full OP and ED (TV size that is) in English is up from AnnaLaLaDreams and Youtube's ReverseSoda tried out for almost every male role :3 Also later I'll be putting up Kaichou's audition 'cause she sent me voice files (she did great ) so hopefully this time the audio issue will be gone now
  19. XDD I see and that's right >.> I wasn't aware either then XD but dang.. I just realized how old I'm getting.

  20. From what I understand, four. Yours?

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