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Forever Lost

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Everything posted by Forever Lost

  1. *hugs back* ... I wonder.. if you think that hugging is girly..

  2. I can't concentrate enough to... these tears are burning my cheeks cuz saltiness and dry skin don't like eachother lolz

  3. I'm deciding whether or not to post about how much I wish to slaughter someone. :D

  4. I'm gonna guess that 98% of that was aimed at me from Cure-kun... XD Sankyuu MISAKI-CHAN *wails and curls up in a ball, then munches on cookie* o.o''' Kaichou, it's this old old old old book that I must read and compare it to Legally Blonde and then come up with some freaking long research essay (my deadline for school is dangerously close.. and my teachers in English are freaking LAZY) and I don't have a clue where the crap I'm to find it... I don't care about femininity but I must do this or else face a whole unit of fail in English :// DIE ENGLISH DIE. This is why I speak so much Japanese. It's nicer to me than English is, 'cause I'm not formally learning or studying in it.. (yet). Oh no.. Am I actually going to work hard and study... Oh ... NAAAH THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE.
  5. YOU'RE NOT ACTING STUPID. Guess what. I have mission impossible now. I have to somehow read a 400+ page book in two days and write an essay about it. While waiting on my eternally slow teachers. Screw my life. Femininity? GO DIE HIII~
  6. You can't prove that.... And LOL
  7. In reality, not well. Otherwise, just fine, normal, whatever else XD

  8. *hugs back* Thanks.. My chances will never be better than yours... I'm ugly, stupid, and I look like a diseased freak because of my eczema, and whenever I'm just sitting there I look like I'm going to kill someone.. when I smile I look high... I'm also considered socially awkward because I'm too honest with people. So.. just so you know.. your chances will always be better than mine at ANYTHING XD
  9. When people get me talking.. I'm loud and often obnoxious. I'm selfish and annoying, so people regret trying to get me to speak. I hate myself. I don't belong in their world... I definitely don't belong in his.. and so I should just shut up and keep being invisible. 'Cause that's just the way it works. I'm written off as incompetent because I start getting nervous and have a habit of playing dumb. Oh just shoot me. Please. I need to shut up. Now. Hi. Hello. Don't mind me.
  10. I know this is totally inappropriate to do right now but... I didn't get to talk to him. I said hi.. and he made face, sort of acknowledging my existence for a split second, then his eyes moved to Paula-chan.... and then poof. I've also discovered something. Even though I've been around there for 4-5 years... no one talks to me. Some people know my name. Some. I swear.. I'm invisible. I've been looked over so many times. It's just worse when I happen to like one of those people who overlook me (who happens to usually NOT overlook me which is why... I need to shut up.) GOOD LUCK XENONKID
  11. Forever Lost

    Could you?

    Writing dialogues and expressing emotions? Well.. put yourself in the character's world. Try to imagine their mindset in the situation you've put them in. Fanfics are great because they offer reference anime or manga -wise on how certain characters react. If you need different word choices, you can always use a thesaurus. She was scared. vs. She was terrified. After that there's better word choice plus describing what's going on with the person. She was absolutely terrified. Her hands trembled as she handed over the item. The girl's legs were weak and a cold sweat dripped down her face. She smiled weakly, futilely attempting to mask her fear. "Here. I hope it suits your needs." The shakiness of her voice betrayed her feelings and the man grinned maliciously. vs. She was scared. She handed over the item, fearing for her life. "Here. I hope it suits your needs." The man grinned. If you need help with an individual text once you get it done, I can help you if you want. Just remember to slow down and take your time to build up a moment in the way you want it.
  12. Alright... goodluck, kaichou. Have a wonderful day. Somehow.
  13. :// I want to hug you. So badly. But that wouldn't help because you don't like hugs. You like cookies. *gives you even more cookies* I'm not sure if you'll even be able to eat that many.

  14. *hands you more chocolate chip cookies* My love life .. doesn't even have the honor of failing. It's finally died. MUWAHAHAHHAHA *stabs it a billion times* *cough* anyway. Yes. That's why we're all here.
  15. :) I am. I know much better. I've had four times to get it straight in my head. So... Yeah. I am.
  16. Are you kidding me, kaichou? I want him to get a girlfriend too. He'll be happy then, and I can stop kidding myself that God would let him get stuck with some piece of crap like me. If I were to be with him, it'd just be an obstacle in the way of his future girl... future wife. I just need to be able to support him and some girl and get over myself. It's not even reasonable to like him. Shiteru, ka? It's not even reasonable. However. Right now I can call myself stupid. I don't even have to wait for him to have a girlfriend. Because I am stupid. Although.. I'd be able to call myself a real idiot, a genuine ahou if life slapped me in the face enough and he had someone. Gambatte, kaichou.
  17. *resists normal response of hugging for comfort and hands you a pile of chocolate chip cookies* I have a feeling I might know what you're talking about. However... whether or not I do.. I'm more of a baka than you :)

  18. LOL I missed so much while I slept... Welcome to the club, Holmes Apprentice! Hope you enjoy your time in the club. TIME ZONES? Meh, that's hardly a reason not to join in >3> *is a brat* Anyway~~ I keep having dreams about him. In every single one, I act out in some way, and he simply doesn't care. I guess that's reality in my dreamworld. (Depressing reality.) Wow. I feel like crawling up in a ball and crying.. for my own pitiful self... and for someone else... BLEH. Hi.
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