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Detective Conan World

Metantei Kiddo

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Everything posted by Metantei Kiddo

  1. I like to make my frenemy think he/she is a one step ahead.
  2. I hate it when I have to pass a meal.
  3. Is the dog in the picture yours? :D

    1. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      It's bad to have enemies, ye know.

    2. Kitty Paw

      Kitty Paw

      Of course, though he has no friends so he cusses at people like crazy

    3. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      Go befriend him. Maybe he has some family issues D:

    4. Show next comments  300 more
  4. Fermi Paradox - basically states that, if the universe is really really big, then, the probability of the existence of alien races are very big (and in a high count, too) too but why haven't we encountered them, yet? Fact - There are a lot of solutions postulated to resolve this said paradox.
  5. I haven't watched a football match in a long while.
  6. I can shift personalities, depending on the setting.
  7. "We only got 86400 seconds in a day. To turn it all around or throw it all away"
  8. Bring him to a psychiatrist. I hate it when my battery goes from hero to zero.
  9. I wish that some people knew that some deep stuffs are better said ambiguously.
  10. Really? Why did I caught you eating with my dad, then? D:Of course, he is my dad. Duh. I dunno. Papa Balthz never told meh He raised me alone... sad sad... I never knew my mom.
  11. Hah! I'm sure there are family photos too. Is it Windows? anyways, Me, I pretty much have to maintain my laptop, too, once in a while... but the process doesn't take much time since, I always organize my stuffs.
  12. Psshhh.... that doesn't mean that you can't change.
  13. I have a stockpile of old gadgets.
  14. I wonder if it was just all me. Nyah, seems like it.
  15. I like it when my phone is fully charged.
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