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Detective Conan World

Metantei Kiddo

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Everything posted by Metantei Kiddo

  1. Eh... Wut? Then, it's great coz he finally decided to come out of the closet
  2. Or, maybe you are the target I wonder if Santa is some sort of secret agent.
  3. Haha, maybe she's an employee of NSA. We might never know. 10 years later, I still suck at arts.
  4. You're a ghost or something? That'll be harder to spot.
  5. Haha, but it's pretty impossible that I point to a random stranger I mean it's pretty easy to tell.
  6. I used to wake up in the middle of the night some months ago and had trouble sleeping again.
  7. Wait. She's 17? Haha, a fetus, I say xD 10 years later, free wifi all over the world.
  8. Coz he's a fool :V Once a fool realizes that he is a fool, he ain't a fool, anymore. And why would you call a wise man, wise, if he is a fool? "Wisdom comes with experience, not age"
  9. WTHI wonder why the hell my phone notis get clogged up just in few minutes.
  10. Tonsilitis, too clingy, you are.
  11. Laptop batteries. They only last for awhile.
  12. Haha, I might point at the wrong person.
  13. Then, the glasses of honor shall be passed to him
  14. Sometimes, he is the reason why there's a case.
  15. "A fool will never know that he is a fool"
  16. Hmmm.... Who on earth hates Genta? Honestly, if there's a reason to hate him, it's because he always puts everyone around him in danger because of some stupid stuff he does.
  17. I don't feel sleepy but hell, I wanna sleep.
  18. How many times already? Played a video game for 4 hours.
  19. I wish I can keep my freaking loud mouth shut. :V
  20. Hey there great person! :D

    1. Uchiha Shadow

      Uchiha Shadow

      No I actually read the manga and watch the anime, but I'm more of a manga guy since it's much better and has more material, and lol yeah you right.

    2. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      Haha, I see. Great to meet you, anyways.

      Hope to see ya around the forums :D

    3. Uchiha Shadow
    4. Show next comments  288 more
  21. I have a habit of reading science and tech news before I go to bed at night.
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