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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Senpai

  1. I cant listen to it :/ Side only slowly loads or wont load. :| Any other links? :S
  2. I think Okiya is Akai but we'll see. Damn, cant wait
  3. Senpai


    Wait Savior is german? Or did I misunderstand something? :DD
  4. How long does it take for DCTP to get a new Episode done? :( 612 is already out with German-Subs but even if I am german, I feel uncomfortable watching episodes with german sub because im used to english subs :( HOW LONG? I CANT TAKE IT ANYMOE :o

    1. IdentityUnknown


      Usually no more than a couple of days...

  5. Okay now, could anyone tell me one of your favourite DC episodes? Because I really want to watch some now. . . quick:D

    1. Senpai


      Yeah I am probably going to watch 345 again:D

    2. Senpai


      + Coffee Aroma with Murderous Intention :D

    3. Cammy3131


      Episode 616 =3

      ...Yes, I'm fully aware it hasn't been released...


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  6. Senpai


    Have a nice time and good luck on catching up ;D
  7. Even tho he has one research about him. Still. . . Ran should know.
  8. Senpai


    You kidding me? Das ist keine Partnerbörse? o.0 What do you mean by "any good women around here? But I guess I still need to say hello, so. . . hello.
  9. Have a good time here
  10. But they could explain it in another OVA. :]
  11. That's what I think aswell. A Memory loss? That's weird for a person like Akai. And the only leftover is his scar, it's not like he havent got shot before. :/
  12. So stupid, even Eisuke knows it. It pisses me off that a guy like he gets to know his real identity. And a lot of others too ): I WANT HER TO KNOW IT D:
  13. Yeah I know, I even read the BO ones. But somehow I cant seem to be bothered with reading all unecessary cases. [: Edit: But it's still annoying for me to read because reading Mangas online isnt as fun. :| But i'll go to town today and see how many Volumes are aviable. ;D Edit: Could anyone tell me in which volume SERA appears for her first time? I might just start with that one then.
  14. Yeah same here when I read this but it came to my mind that it would be impossible. xP I dont know, we'll see if it it's just to make him look like Shinichi without a mask in certain moments or if it's something else
  15. Yeah, the original one aswell. . . How could I forget that. o.o
  16. Guys, Guys, GUYS! Quick, I need your adivce! So, I dont know what Episodes I should watch, im kinda bored now and I dont wanna sleep! :/ Just recommend me on of your favourites episodes or something, quickkkkkk! :D

    1. Sunnie
    2. TheBlackTac
    3. TheBlackTac


      Anyways, i'll give you 4 starts at your User Rating. ;)

      When you got 50 posts, i'll give you five stars. :D

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  17. Im in for about 8 - 9 Years now and not even 17 until next January. I dont want it to end, but like you guys are saying, there shouldnt be anymore fillers. Even tho, I like the Detective Boys ;D But some cases are boring :| I just want the story with the BO to continue. Im still waiting for a damn new episode with them
  18. So. . . I would love to know what your favourite MAIN THEME is. I dont think there is a thread like this, only a Fav. Opening thread. Well, I have two: Meitantei Conan Main Theme Seikimatsu Version & Meitantei Conan Main Theme Shikkoku Version. So, what's yours?
  19. Same here, he probably fell into a large lake when he was a kid. And a fish attacked him :'D
  20. Only for Chelsea: I said "Monkey or a crazy Cat". So I even named two Animals.
  21. Senpai

    Could you?

    Thank you, appreciate it! (:
  22. I'd say a Monkey or a crazy Cat. Because of your Bio, it's crazy!
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