Dear anonymous,
A bit late, seeing how this happened in May, but still bothers me. You wanted to see my sketchbook. I said no. You ignored me and said, "But they're better than what I could ever do!" I still said no. You ignored me once again and played tug-of-war with my sketchbook with me, which I only let go of because I was afraid the cover was going to rip off. You said since you managed to get it from me, that gave you permission to look through all of it. I begged you not to. You ignored me again and made me sit through you looking at the entire thing while I was dying on the inside from embarrassment.
Now you're probably wondering: Why is she so peeved about this? Because I never actually gave you permission to look in my sketchbook.
You have got to learn to take no for an answer. I kept telling you, "No, I don't want you to look!" And yet you kept trying. You should have gotten my message after just asking, giving reasons that I should show you my sketchbook (which honestly were not very compelling) and using force, and me still saying "No, you can't look!" I wasn't comfortable with showing you my sketchbook.
Now you might be unaware of this, seeing how I'm far more open with my friends than other people, but even I have things I'm very uncomfortable doing. One of these things is showing my sketchbook to people. You see, I draw what I want, not truly worrying about how strange it is. And being in a society where people constantly judge you, I like to keep what I draw in my sketchbook to myself because I don't want it to turn into yet another thing people can use to judge me.
Now if you were to ever see this letter, you may say, "Well you never stopped me!" I tried. You ignored. I eventually gave up because I know you well enough that you would keep on going until you finished. You would keep ignoring me. Even if I grabbed it back from you, we would just repeat the same situation. And honestly, I'm not going to risk hurting someone (seeing how we were on metal bleachers with concrete underneath) over a sketchbook.
But consider this: What if I were to constantly ask you, tell you, "But you write so much better than I could ever write!" and eventually get by pulling it out of your hands just so I could read your diary, one that you poured all of your emotions into and that you never wanted anyone to see. And I read every single page. Made comments and even wrote things in there myself. I bet you wouldn't be very happy, now would you? Same feelings I had when you did it to me.
But perhaps my example is useless. I think it is. Because you're far from empathetic. At least, I believe so. Because you never listened when I said no. When I clearly told you I was uncomfortable showing you it. You never considered what I wanted since my views differed from yours. I don't think you're a terrible person, but just know that it will probably be something I will be upset about even years from now.