Dear Ms. K,
Thanks. I appreciate you worrying about me due to what had happened during lunch today. But I know I'll be fine. It takes a good amount to truly upset me since I'm used to hearing nasty things said about me. That's just life. So please don't worry, I hate it when people worry just for my sake.
your student
P.S. You just made it on my top 5 teachers list
Dear anonymous,
Now while I will admit that I can be rather cold and/or rude towards you, a bit more than usual lately, that's doesn't give you the right to completely rip on me while I'm in the same room. Sure, I made one snarky comment about you. But I stopped after Ms. K told me to stop, didn't I? But you decided to blow up and start to rant about how I act towards you. You even brought up how I draw in class (which is completely unrelated). Now I just love how this is coming from you, the person who has called me a ho for not letting you get the answers off of me for a worksheet and also has called me a b**ch for not letting you have the tape I was going to use because you stuck yours on your phone (which you use in class to text BTW). Now do you wonder why I'm snarky? Really. Practice what you preach you damn hypocrite.
the girl who treats you the way you treat me