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Everything posted by Misaki-chan

  1. :P :P :P :P

    So how was your day?

  2. No. :X I wanna work on my cover more.

  3. Yeah, I'm the type who gets cold easily, so I don't really like it. :X

  4. I see~

    Kinda. :\ It's nice, but it gets really cold around here, so... D:

  5. OK. It's been warmer than past years, but it snowed today. :D You?

  6. Working on cover for lit journal. :V You?

  7. Thanks~ <3

    I know i know. :P :P :P

  8. Yeah, I will. If I win, I get even more. \o/

    I know. :P

  9. It's for language arts class. :P

    :P :P :P

  10. Yepz. :P Because getting extra credit never hurts, especially some this easy to get.

    Ah. :P

  11. Oh, and why do you love this HW SO MUCH? :P

    As for me, I'm working on a cover entry for my school's Lit journal since I get extra credit if I do. :D

  12. Yep. :o

    I'm good as well. :D So whatcha up to?

  13. Dear BO, </333333333333333333333333333333333 x10000000000000000000000 I take over for someone and you kill me before I actually get a chance to play. T___________T *cries* Signed, A very sad Chiba
  14. Dear Mr. K, I can't believe it. You are AWESOME. Like really. You have officially have become one of the teachers I will always remember. <3 Signed, your student
  15. Go to the wacom site and find out. :X *is too lazy*

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