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Everything posted by Misaki-chan

  1. Any other sorts of competitions or just drawing/writing contests? And what would the prize be? ^This. While I'm not completely against it (if you need my help, I'll be happy to enlist it), the chances of it actually happening is kinda slim. :\ But good luck MK in organizing a competition! ^^
  2. Are you sure? :V And I see this thread has been renamed. :V
  3. I am good. And you?

  4. I kinda thought that after Chelsea almost hit you with the bat, you tried to leave, but was soon after attached to something or someone so you could't leave the group. =X And I don't need a copy.
  5. I did. I don't know whether you were there by choice or by force though.... For all you know, you could be handcuffed to someone to keep you from running. :V
  6. Misaki worked diligently on trying to unlock the door that separated her, Legend, Chelsea, Neechan, Cure-kun and Monsi from kaichou and her computer. While doing so, her thoughts began to drift to what had taken place a few minutes before... ~~~ "I wonder what's she hiding," the girl muttered as she gave an annoyed glance at the room where the ever-secretive girl was. "Hey Misaki, why looking so... Annoyed?" The said girl turned around to see the faces of Chelsea, Legend, Neechan, Cure-kun and Monsi. She greeted, "Oh, hey guys. Didn't see you there for a minute." She gave another glance at the room before answering the question that had been asked. "Well, I guess I'm a bit annoyed since kaichou's hiding stuff again..." Chelsea and KKLT gave her a look, causing her to wince slightly, as it reminded the girl that they still very well remembered she had done the same with her injury. She gave a nervous laugh before clearing her voice and continuing, "Well, for all we know, what kaichou may be hiding could be very important. So..." the girl took out a hairpin, "I'm going to see if I can sneak that computer out. I bet she's asleep by now, so it'd be a snap!" Neechan spoke up, "Is that really ok? To do that?" Before Misaki could answer, Chelsea interrupted, "I think we should. After all, we're all in this together, right? Hiding information from the rest of us will get us nowhere." And before anyone could stop her, the young girl began to pick the lock. ~~~ CLICK! A click was to be heard and she grinned happily as she turned the knob and let her and the rest in, being greeted by the older girl on her feet, looking ready for anything. Chelsea huffed behind her, "Did you honestly think we wouldn't notice that your computer was gone? I thought we were in on this together!" Kaichou rubbed her head slightly as she managed to let out a, "Hi?" ----- Ta da. \o
  7. Very awesome. <3 The effects were cool and I loved the song too, it was a nice choice~
  8. I can just go on there now if it's easier for you. I probably won't get to be able to go on if I wait till after I finish my paper.

  9. \o/ Great job Chelsea~ <3 I love the WED one. *randomly starts to sing the song*
  10. I will. After I finish this assignment that is... <_<

  11. Ah. :X I see. That reminds me, I haven't done any traditional art in a while... I bet my sketchpad feels neglected. ;_____;

  12. Do you use a camera or scanner?

  13. Of course. :P I'll check them out right now. *after looking* Great job Chelsea! I liked the one for WED. <3

  14. D: I hope you do well on the exam! As for me, I'm ok (just am reminded that I still have my 10-15 page paper to do. Due Monday. Oh god am I going to be screwed....)

  15. So how was/has been your day?

  16. \o/ *takes a cracker* D: Well, I have no advice for your problem. =X *isn't very good at giving advice when it comes to this kind of stuff* But I hope you stop being confused~ Probably not much. =X This thread isn't chatted in very often nowadays... Man, reading the first few pages of the LHC chat really brings back memories... /me feels old
  17. A thread for this case has already been made----> Thread for file 804-80# here
  18. Happy birthday Maurice! :D

  19. Tsukiko! :D (sorry for the late reply, was busy with something :X)

  20. 1) I'm pretty sure this is in the wrong area 2) There's already a topic regarding favorite couples (in the General area) But mine's is SatoxTakagi~ <333333333 I just love them~
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