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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by akane

  1. Wait, isn't this supposed to be a funny picture? Why is everyone so sad?????
  2. That dress looks great on both of you. :grin: (Much better than the orange one!)
  3. UGH.... Why is my life so busy???? (And why do I always think I spelled "busy" wrong?)

    1. Misaki-chan


      SAYURI!!! YOU'RE ON!!! *tackle hugs* Wow, you spell busy wrong a lot? Oh the irony for a walking dictionary....

  4. COOL!!!! You're really a great artist Misa!
  5. Well Misaki, as long as you're still polite and helpful at my house, you eat!!! :grin: :grin: :grin:
  6. YAY!!! My sister graduated today! She is now Dr. [sister] DVM. With her little beagle assistant.

  7. "Eh?" *scrolls up* ...... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! *enter Misaki the cat* "Oh, crap. RUN!" Misaki, I'm glad you think you're a glameow too. Me? Possibly mime Jr. I like confusing people by mirroring them. It's funny!
  8. Liar, you really like hugs. And my classmates are not more sane than yours. It's a known fact of life. Actually, about half of our school is insane. (And not the good kind, either.) I don't like my gym class.
  9. I would agree with that. But maybe also pachirisu, because you're very energetic. I think I'm a kirlia, because I'm very loyal to my friends. And when they're happy, I'm happy.
  10. If I'm having a good dream, asleep. However, if you're around, that's not exactly possible. ( JUST KIDDING. HA HA HA. Right???) Fish or reptiles?
  11. YES!!!!!!!!!! (please??????) Is it possible for me to learn the piano accompaniment for Misaki-chan in the near future?
  12. ... Sayuri... HUG OF DEATH!!!!!!!!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: Why...
  13. akane

    This or That

    Fantasy. What good is logic when you can't fly, turn invisible, walk on walls and travel to alternate universes? When logic can let me do that, I will like it more. The future or the past? Edit: oops! Again, I guess?
  14. Oblivious. Unaware. Not noticing obvious facts. Aren't I useful?

  15. Depends what it's about. :smile: or :grin: ?
  16. Liar, your classmates are bad for your sanity. (That's because I'm not in your class :grin: ) I am friends with Misaki-chan.
  17. ... am I letting you take the knife. How long have...
  18. There was poison in the paper it was printed on. The cutest thing in the universe.
  19. I feel oblivious today. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

    1. Misaki-chan


      What does oblivious mean again? DEFINE, WALKING DICTIONARY!!!! XD

  20. You are asked to watch them. They escape from the house and run across the street. (Because a car would be too predictable) An airplane makes an emergency landing, and runs over you. :twisted: DCW!!!!!!!!!
  21. 21 posts. Yes, my lucky (and favorite) number.... but yes, pathetic.

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Congratulations! ;D Keep posting!

    2. IdentityUnknown


      Better than me in my first week. I posted exactly twice. Then I came back and started posting like crazy. :P

    3. Misaki-chan


      Lame. You're never going to catch up to me! HURRY UP.

  22. Something you give people who don't want a hug. GODZILLA!!!!!!! XD
  23. What did I say... BIPOLAR.
  24. Misaki? The friendliest??? HAHAHAHAH! Have you seen her blunt side yet? Or her clingy side? OR HER BIPOLARNESS??? Oh, can I join?
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