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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. Racist jokes? Hahahaha. No, he's not racist. But it's his page. Nobody should care what he does there. People are stupid. No wonder he has three stars. And me too. Oh well, I really don't care about the stars. I hope I get one.

  2. I see. NAH, he's just a love-shy, so naturally, people don't like him. What mistake did he commit?

  3. I'll make sure it disappears. And i'm sure i'll learn some great things.

  4. >.> ???????? What the? Oh, did he? I'll make sure to sneak into his room and look for it. I want to get to know you. What did he do that for? Did you call him a freak? You should have. I hope you do it. Call him a stupip love-shy too. and other insults you can think off. It'll be funny.

  5. So then how do you know if you have a comment pending approval? Are you going to put all your information back?

  6. Ah, I see. Isn't it annoying though, to keep getting all these status notifications?

  7. It goes up by itself if I say good things, or down if I say bad things? What madness is this?

  8. Well one of mine reached it's limit. I just noticed I have three stars, just like my 'darn' brother. It's starting to 'tick' me off.

  9. Oh? So that happened with him? Sheesh, we really do sound like the same person. The same things are happening to day apparently.

  10. Okay, then by all means, have fun with her.

  11. it is letting you comment, she must have made her account so that she has to approve comments before they are posted. Am I wrong?

  12. So, you're Jean's Sempai? uh, what's that?

  13. Then relax, lay back in your room, play some classical music, get comfortable. Try to sleep. Sleep is good. It's rejuvenating. Plus, it helps you focus, grow strong, and keeps you alive.

  14. hmm, how do you feel right now?

  15. How come you're up late too? Well, actually it isn't late. But it's night.

  16. More like illegal killing moves. Haha. I forgot the name, but I know it's Korean. It's for "self-defense". He took classes when he was ten. I took them last week without him knowing. WE usually fight for fun every Friday. Tomorrow i'm going to kick his butt.

  17. I like Canadians, let's be friends. I actually want to move there, the USA sucks. And in Germany, i can't wear a Swastika, bunch of fools they are, er, me too I guess, i'm German.

  18. We are both in college. I have to admit that he is actually pretty smart. 17 and a sophomore in college. Not bad i'd say. And he can actually beat me up, which is pathetic. I took some classes to learn how to fight so I can probably bully him now.

  19. Of course not. You're Canadian, you're great. It was just a supposition, I now know you are not. It was also part of a joke. To mess with you. Go ahead, tell ME a joke.

  20. Haha, you sicken me.

  21. I can't help but laugh at you. Ah <3 ~ Onii-chan, <3 ah, I love you bunches, ah <3 ~~ PERV. You're like our father.

  22. You like getting hugs from lightning bugs? Sounds dangerous! Just kidding. I know what a firefly is.

  23. Thank yourself. i give credit where credit is due. And you deserve all the credit for being bad-ass. Thumbs up. You get 5 stars.

  24. I like your avatar. Who is that lad?

  25. Reaper


    Thank you. And Mohorovicic, great explanation. I will keep it all in mind. I already experience at first hand that this place can be quite fun. So many colorful characters, and I don't mean you are all black.
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