Since the early days of Detective Conan, characters have come and gone. Some are obviously more important than others, but nonetheless, nothing saves them from a total lack of acknowledgement later on. When was the last time we say Ayako? Other than being mentioned during the Sealed Window Case, we haven't actually seen her since the first showdown between Conan and Kaito Kid. Then there's Eisuke who simply returned to America after his importance to the plot ended following the Clash of Red and Black arc. Araide shares a similar situation with Eisuke, minus a few anime exclusive episodes. We've also got Yoko and Hideo who appear occasionally on television or for a brief panel or two in the manga, and lesser characters such as the Hatamoto family and students from Class 1-B who have popped up once or twice since their respective cases. Then we have characters like Inspector Momose and Yuminaga who appear very seldom, even when a case involves robbery or arson. While times certainly change, as do an individual character's importance, who do you wish to see return to the series?