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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. ....Call me an observer.. :V

  2. And anyways, its "Ladies First" :P

    Gtg see ya!

  3. Oh, that was because i was mentioned on your profile by a stranger named MKK :P

  4. Hans Zimmer - Jewel to Music! :)

    1. Amaranth


      HANS ZIMMER!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!

  5. So you decided to show up again? xD

  6. And you are the only one who has done so.

  7. Fine -__-

    But, we, i mean, members cannot change their backgrounds can they?

  8. I want a background like yours too! Not fair!

  9. To be honest, Mumford and Sons is quite famous all around the world. Anyways, i am sure most of us do not know this talented acoustic guitarist.
  10. Dont be :P

    I am going anyways..its late. Goodnight :)

  11. Oi oi, who told you about me being zombie? :P

  12. Okay! goodnight ching :)

    Sweet dreams :)

  13. Detectives only solve codes/anagrams/crimes..:P not sleep :P

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