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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. Nah, i am too lazy to write a wiki :P :P

    Yep! Your description is..so amazing! :P

    If i start a wiki, i want the dcw people to write about me. I want to know what people think of me :P

  2. Sitting with a laptop in mess aka my room :P

  3. :P though i have discovered like 5-7 people on fb! they call me stalker, i call myself as "Detective" :P :P

    You dunno know how annoying my sister can be at times >.< :P :P

    Well, looking at your description about yourself!, we are almost the same xD

  4. Balthazar --> Tsukiko Chan --> Me -->
  5. Same! :) Any intersting stuff to share? :P

  6. Yep! Brother sister love you know <3

    Even you know it dont you? :D

    Hmm, apparently i am a "Creep Stalker" coz thats what is said in your "About Me" :P :p

  7. Oi oi...i am not like korn in anyway -.-
  8. You too like irritating your sister dont you? ^.^ i mean in a limit

  9. Awesome! :D Met my sister after like 8 months :D Everything else was exceptionally ordirnary :P

    and you?

  10. It is surprising indeed! i am flattered :P

    Thanks :D

  11. Its kind of a article. Cmon! Its not that difficult to understand :twisted: (You are still a kid ) Thanks
  12. Misaki was Celebi! There is no argument either!
  13. Hmm..you are from Indonesia right? :o

  14. Not bad for starters!, Hmm just draw full picture of Conan
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