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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. Thanks! I am waiting for you to complete it Nats :D

  2. *Even if you call me..*

    I hate grammatical errors :S

  3. So basically you are jobless right now? :P

  4. Muhaha! I love to give nightmares :D

  5. I love nicknames! I dont mind even you call me..with..what? Techo :P

  6. And you called yourself my master -.- :P

  7. I see! You love ghost stories, and anything related to it? :o

  8. Thanks! :D You are always welcome to post your own there!

  9. :P Find who i am! Go investigate :P
  10. :P ill be Sherlock Holmes! You be Watson xD :P
  11. Excellent Conclusion, Nikko-son :P

  12. Yup! Coz we have College on Saturday too.. >.>

  13. Stopped for some time..will resume ..i dunno when :P

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