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Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. *gives candy*

    Well..what a barter system :P

  2. lol..well, anyways, its basically a hindu festival..so schools/colleges give 4-5 days holidays...so i got a break :D

  3. Nah, first you tell what you ment :P

  4. I thought we were sharing it :P

  5. Oh yeah! i remember a girl named Rose..she once ate my chocolate >.>

  6. Umm? It is Indian..i am Indian..Festival has also originated in India :o..but i didnt get you again lol

  7. It was not you :P Coz i am 18 :P

  8. Nah..i added the word "Very" :P

    But i remember a girl..who used to be very cute, who used to sit beside me, who was very cute..i wonder who it was :P

  9. I got a break from my college :o We got an upcoming Indian festival...If whats what you meant? 0.0

  10. 0.0 i was not naughty :P i was very naughty :P

  11. And how was i when i was young? :P

  12. Well, i got a break for like 5 days, so i hope its gonna be great :)

    How were your exams( I hate when my parets ask this question to me :P)

  13. I remember a Rose-bud 10 years before :P

    *hugs back*

  14. That sounded like 2 people meeting each other after 10 years..like in a movie :P

  15. Yep "CUTE"..:P

    My day was also tiring...there was a lot of travelling, but finally! I am at my birthplace after 8 months :D

    And hows life treating you?

  16. Nah :P

    Jovi sounds cute :P

    Bon Jovi is awesome though :)

  17. Sounds better :P..ill call you Jovi :) *but if you have a problem with the nickname,......its ur problem, coz i wont stop :P :p*

  18. Wild at heart! I like your username :P

  19. Angel neechan :D How are you? :D

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