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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. And what was your first impression about me? :o ..lemme guess..some kind of tainted zombie :S

  2. xD So how is Rose doing?

  3. I found it cute! :D I am sorta nervous..i dont know why though :o And did visit my profile? :o

  4. And what are your view about that? :P

  5. Okay i mean...being friends with some1 from DCW..and seeing them IRL :o sounds scary :P

  6. me too.. Its like a Sin graph..suddenly i get addicted..then i get bored..and it continues
  7. :P :P *gives cough medicine*
  8. ^^It amazed me to be honest Cancelling all the magnetic fields at superconductive temperature
  9. Crime takes about a minute. Paying for it takes eternity.

    1. Sakila


      Paying in this life and the next.

    2. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      That reminds me of Crime and Punishment. Good book that is <3

    3. Wildheart888
    4. Show next comments  372 more
  10. Oh okay no problem..i am good :D and you?

  11. Call me a Detective rather than a Stalker Mr Nikko (fangs) :P :P

  12. The fact that i am actually seeing you 0.o

  13. Yep! i did! You are at a tennis-stadium! xD

  14. Lol..though i still cant believe it :o

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