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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. I love being wierd :D

    And i had gone for dinner :P

  2. Sorry for the late reply..but i just slept suddenly >.<

    Nothing interesting as such today :|

  3. LOL! you didnt get it did you? You asked me "Tell me whats on my head" and i answered "Hair"..get it? :P

  4. i am not sure how to reply to that :P

  5. ofcourse..deep inside you and me, both love our sisters dont we?

  6. Eh? You have hair on your head! dont you! I am no one's servent! I enjoy freedom! :D

  7. Yep! She's always be younger than me, thats why :P

  8. i wonder how a 5th grader has so much IQ! *Looks at KKLT and MM*

  9. :P lol, so Kaze- kun! How was your..well..school? :P
  10. Yep..thanks! :D BTW, my sister is 14.

  11. That is, my friend, true application of science I always like the lighter side of science, especially after having a heavy dose of it >.<
  12. yeah..she's annoying too..bossy on me -.-* And parents always take her side =.=*

    i live in hostel currently..will see my sister this december :D

  13. Yep. Though, it has been like only 2 months..

    but you know what? i was smarter than you when i was 5 :P

  14. Yep! Just like you, a small and sweet sister..but havent seen her since 8 months..:S

  15. Yeah and i was born just yesterday :P

  16. I knew that the day i met you! :P

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