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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. Nice <33333

    Well..i was 10 when pokemon season 1 came in my country....it was a revolution! EPIC!.......I remember when someone asked me "What would you do when you grow up"..i would answer "Pokemon Master" :D..<3 Pokemon

  2. EXCEPT mew...which pokemon do you find cute?

    i find plusle and minum :D

  3. Yep...thats actually why i wrote that, for it was cute..but ..sigh..

  4. Hmm..so you dont hate me i guess :)

    I wont mind if you need any help from me..but still..

  5. gah..i was not talking about personal matters..

    And i dont hate anyone on DCW.. girls who seek attention in real life...

    And dont talk about your parents like that..even though i am no one to say that..but still..

  6. Anything.. Like in my case its "I hate attention seeking" girls :P

  7. "Interesting".. i guess..

    Fine! tell me what you you "hate" a Lot!?

  8. Yep...Been a pokemon fan since 8 years..and then this mistake..*Hides in a corner..depressed*

  9. I knowledgeable person..who dosent know that mew is genderless..even if i am big fan of Pokemon..*shakes head*

  10. IS there any native football team of Bosnia? :o

  11. The fact that i my convo is boring :S

  12. I get embarrased a lot if something like that happens ...:S

  13. Rose x Lotus sounds better....
  14. Yep! All the gossipy girls do!

  15. sad..i made a fool out of myself...

    Rohit sent Ho-oh

    Ho-oh used Sacred Fire..

    Its Super Effetive!

    KKLT faints :P :P :P

  16. Lol..erm never mind what i said :P

    *sigh*...i dont know what to talk about.. :S

  17. So how should i trouble you now? :P

  18. Rohit Sent Mew!

    Mew used attract!

    The Foe's mew is in love with Detective Rohit's mew..

    Foe's mew wont hurt Detective Rohit's mew! xD

  19. Detective Rohit used Machamp!

    Machamp used Mach Punch

    Umbreon fainted!

    And KKLT rushes to the hospital..*Battle over* :P

  20. KKLT Paid 1500 to Detective Rohit..

    KKLT Blacked out!



  21. Gengar used shadowball!

    Its super Effective!

    MEW faints :P :p

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