HOLY......You met Steve Vai and Joe Satrianti! :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: They are the Legends of Guitar xD
Yes, Justin Bieber is a threat to real music. Most of the pop these days are all about bars, alcohol, girls, dates...which is so dissapoiting..The last pop song i really appreciated was "Perfect" by Pink.
Most of the Beiber's songs are about girls..ie having no meaning AT ALL. (Except the song "Pray"). I sometimes dont know why people like his songs..possible explaination--> Never been subjected to real music. Sadly..music is deteorating...
I feel so sad when people on youtube have comments like "Metallica and The beatles are Gay"...even if i know most of these people are dumb-minded no-taste noobs, but still it really hurts.
I have been to Yanni's concert, live at Taj Mahal...and to be honest, that was the best music i have ever heard in my life. <3