After going through almost 630 episodes of Detective Conan, i have always wondered how Vodka got into the Black Organisation, taking in consideration his qualities.
Do you think that Vodka is the lamest member of the Organisation, or is he a very important part of the Organisation?
My answer: Yes, he is lame.
He's just a sidekick who is mostly seen with Gin, driving the Porche. Neither is he intelligent(Can be proved if you have watched Contact with the Black Organisation Arc), nor does he have the "BO appearance"(Which Tequila has). If only Vodka and Tequila could switch places.
He easily fell pray to Conan's traps. He let Ai escape due to distraction. He is nothing without Gin. He is easy going and trusting, bad oberservant and even once goes off-course from the Organisation's orders.
Only positive point i see is that, due to his dumbness, Conan may enter into the organisation in the near future.(Positive Point WRT Conan ie)
Feel free to go against me(which makes it interesting) or with me. Convey your thoughts sensibly if you can.
PS--i dont know why Moonlight Magician thinks that without Vodka, Gin cant kill people as he wont have a driver..Gin knows to drive and he has been shown driving..