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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. Its a small discussion. Logical and quite apt. Nothing wrong in it. Yes, he is a reckless member, which could be threat to the Organisation in near future. If he has a eidetic memory, still, he is the most vunerable member which makes him quite lame.
  2. Agreed that Vodka made the deals like calling the professor(who got murdered) during "Girl From Black Organisation" special episode or while Contact with the BO arc. But so did Tequila. I would point out that Tequila would make a better dealer than Vodka. It is also possible that Vodka is just a new member gaining experience from Gin. Vodka sure does play some part i agree, but is he irreplacable? What theories can you make of his talent?
  3. "How I Met Your Mother" TV show is over-rated,
  4. That he's being watched. I am sure that no one will make the statement "I have lost my toothbrush in bathroom" public. By the way, i have updated more stories, pleae give it a read
  5. Hehe! So what else? Hows life treating you?

  6. Not really..He did an important job of locating Kir. Agreed that Vodka makes up for Gin's weak point. But is that why Anokata recruited him into BO? I think not. A member of Black Organisation must have a speacial quality in him. Everyone know how smart Gin is. Vermouth is talented in disguises. Chianti and Korn are good Snipers. Bourbon is a very sharp Detective..What is Vodka then? He may have some talent, but looking at him currently, it dosent look so..Looks can be deceptive, i know, but i wont buy it.. As for your second paragraph, i would rather say that Tequila would be a better secretary/personel assistant than Vodka. Without Gin, Vodka could have been easily caught by now which would have resulted in exposure of Black Organisation. Considering the stern and ruthless attitude of Tequila towards Conan, he could be a better member than Vodka theoretically. Exactly my point.
  7. Damn, i wish i could invent it!

  8. After going through almost 630 episodes of Detective Conan, i have always wondered how Vodka got into the Black Organisation, taking in consideration his qualities. Question Do you think that Vodka is the lamest member of the Organisation, or is he a very important part of the Organisation? My answer: Yes, he is lame. He's just a sidekick who is mostly seen with Gin, driving the Porche. Neither is he intelligent(Can be proved if you have watched Contact with the Black Organisation Arc), nor does he have the "BO appearance"(Which Tequila has). If only Vodka and Tequila could switch places. He easily fell pray to Conan's traps. He let Ai escape due to distraction. He is nothing without Gin. He is easy going and trusting, bad oberservant and even once goes off-course from the Organisation's orders. Only positive point i see is that, due to his dumbness, Conan may enter into the organisation in the near future.(Positive Point WRT Conan ie) Feel free to go against me(which makes it interesting) or with me. Convey your thoughts sensibly if you can. PS--i dont know why Moonlight Magician thinks that without Vodka, Gin cant kill people as he wont have a driver..Gin knows to drive and he has been shown driving..
  9. Detective Rohit

    Steve Jobs

    ‎"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."--Steve Jobs(1955-2011)
  10. Well, i have one. This one my favorite violin solo by Karen Briggs, who plays it live at Acropolis, Greece.
  11. Today's quote: "Be Optimist Prime, and not a Negatron"
  12. The sky is so clear here..Only if i had a telescope, i could gaze at the spectacular aura of the celestial heavens :)

    1. Detective Rohit
    2. vawli


      Gazing would be nice if it wasn't so cold.

    3. Detective Rohit

      Detective Rohit

      Ahh, I live in a tropical country, so not a problem for me atleast :D

    4. Show next comments  426 more
  13. Vermouth getting killed while trying to save Conan and Company must be in most of our minds(Including mine). Vermouth is basically an Anti-Hero of this series, just like Snape in Harry Potter. Fate of Vermouth is most likely to be killed. Becasue in the end, she killed Jodie's parents and has been helping the organisation, unless "Secret of Vermouth's Youth" comes into play. She wont be spared by Conan and Jodie for sure.
  14. Mitsuhiko is quite a smart boy while compairing with his classmates(Except Ai and Conan). There are around 10-12 episodes which prooves that. He's sometimes quite systematic, ie, he tends to write down all the facts..Without Facts/Data, cases are not possible to solve. And as Kyuu said he is more imaginative. If he continues, with proper guidance that is, he will be at par with Shinichi for sure. The only thing that he needs is a starting point/a push/hint. He also reads books to gain knowledge, which is also a positive point towards his being a HS detective. Shinchi has good GK, so will Mitsuhiko when he's at Shinichi's age. Mark my words--> Mitsuhiko will be Teitan's next Shinchi.
  15. Even i used to do that, dont worry. Bbye and Tc. Return soon :)

  16. Still..you can always give 10 mins to DCW you know..

  17. Just bored.. And reasons behind your inactivity? :o

  18. Yes! Going with today's modern physics..it may be possible in next 200-300 years :D

  19. Same here :( So what else?

  20. Yes..it has same features..but for Siri..which is a good concept...atleast i found it..matter of opinions agains.. Back to the topic again, Game Consoles are over-rated
  21. Btw, video games have been covered before..post something new
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