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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. SH 2...they postphoned its release till 30th december...stupidity...MI 4 was good. But some scenes were improbable as usual :P

  2. Oh i do, but not with chimpmucks :P

  3. I am good :)

    WHere did you dissapear?

  4. Yes :D

    Any idea when 802 is going to release?

  5. Excellent :)

    Scar Akai appears again :o

    Well, surely Sera is not Scar Akai aftr this :D

  6. 0.o i see..you will be on even when you will be gone right?

  7. I do! Muhahahaha!

    I am off,bbye :)

  8. Its cute..but whats to got to anything about lol?

    Anyways i am off, gn!

  9. No updates on upcoming anime episodes? or they havent released yet/taking a break?

  10. Lazy bones :P

    Why am i only the one who has spammed a lot on your wall :o

  11. Yes ofcourse are awesome and very cute :D

  12. I am awesome! Simple :D

    xD xD

  13. oh okay..goodluck :D

    Sorry to disturb :P

  14. I know..but he was expecting a lot :P

  15. Hmm..okay sorry, i didnt know.

    City back on top..and Mkk is depressed :o

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