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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. Hello Margaret! Welcome to DCW! There are 2 ways to post pictures/animation in your posts. 1)Directly: In the Writing editor, where you write your posts, You can find a sign which looks like "<>". In this row you can select any option, that is "media", "Code snippets", "quotes", "images" and "links"! In this way you can post images or many other things, which will only appear in the current post only. 2) Signature: If you want the same image or animations for all the posts you post, then there is this thing called signature. To change signature, go to your profile and you will se a green button for editing your profile. In this you can edit your signature, which will be permanant for all the post, that is they appear in all the posts you post. If you want to change your profile picture..there is Change photo option in Edit my Profile. Enjoy your stay in DCW.
  2. The above statement is purely Fictious
  3. Hello Friends, I have been wondering that how did you all came across Detective Conan for the first time? Who told you about this amazing anime? From whom did you hear about it? In my case, i saw Detective Conan first time on a local channel in India! Actually my first episode was "Kogoro's Re-union" How about you all?
  4. Cant stop my Love for Detective conan! <3!
  5. My likes: 1) Phy-z-z-z-z-z-ics 2) Chem-mystery 3) Mathemagic 4) Hinglish (combination of Hindi and English ) 5) P.E (coz we always play soccer) 6) Computer Applications (Coz we play games secretly in the class :mrgreen: ) 7) Music! My dislikes: 1) Biology (Weak at drawing body parts) 2) History and Geography My most hated subject: Civics! (Oh well..indian politics...you all know how it sucks :|)
  6. Hey, Welcome to DCW! Enjoy your stay hand have fun!
  7. Okay! I have a really lame one :-o What will you get when a person from Paris, is struck by a lightening? Think.... Keep Thinking..... Use Your Brain..... Its quite simple.....
  8. Happy Birthday Modern Sherlock Holmes aka Shinichi Kudo!

  9. 23! 9976 to go! Spam FEST xD :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  10. That was just counting...here its more than counting..
  11. Teach me japanese! plz!

    1. hopes


      You can go to the Japanese Classroom in the Other section. In the Chatroom part.

    2. IdentityUnknown


      Chelsea, it's called Off Topic.

  12. Hello detectives! , well this topic is for random posts(or spamming) to get to 9,999 posts! Are you with me!? Woot 9,998 posts to go! :mrgreen: :-D
  13. Not really the fall of Al-Qaeda...there are atleast 4000 more terrorists...war is far from over...
  14. I am Pokemon fan too! My first Anime! xD Playing black at the moment!
  15. Damn! I wish the Conan music played during my best moments in life! :D

    1. EdiblePencil


      You should buy one of the soundtrack CDs. It's not quite the same, but it's the next best thing. :)

    2. Detective Rohit

      Detective Rohit

      I have..but i dont understand Japanese ...

    3. Senpai


      I have every single DC Soundtrack, every single track. (Except M15 ones), so awesomeness, it's almost 3GB of music.

  16. Welcome! Nice to meet you Yeon-Ah! Enjoy and have fun!
  17. Well! All my friends say that i am insane :mrgreen: ! So yeah! Thanks!
  18. You mean the Ninja? If you do, then here is the link!



  19. Hello Edible! Hope you enjoy here at DCW! Btw i am new too, and there say that people here are crazy insane! Which is the best part! Enjoy!
  20. Bored! Wants an adventure..any suggestions?

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      You could eat grass! Now THAT'S an adventure! xD

    2. Detective Rohit

      Detective Rohit

      Lol...thats not *Dangerous*..except if some unwanted bug comes out!

      @Unknown..nah too lazy! :P

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      Go to a jungle and find some ancient caves with gold and diamants

    4. Show next comments  483 more
  21. Haibara...her future is very unpredictible :eek:
  22. Sure thing! Nicknames! I love them! And thanks to all others for the warm and Crazy welcome! :grin:
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