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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. What do you usually do when you get bored? :o

  2. Umm nothing, i just wanted MKK to read that :P

  3. oh! i hate you Mkk :P

    Sometimes Myths become reality you know xD

  4. I was bored :V

    So how is my mythical flower? :P

  5. You are 3 years younger than me -.-

    Oh...thanks, but i want chocolate >.>

  6. 0.o I thought you split the milkshake on yourself. :P

    Thanks :D which flavour?

  7. Naw! That will be rude on my side..so ill pay :)

    KK we are off...umm..lol

  8. Okay..lets go..where i dunno :P

  9. Okay..but its sounds like a date :V

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