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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. Germany was my place! Munich football staduim!!! <3333333333

    Then the astronomy centre near berlin! Then the river rhine! Then Volkswagon, Mercedes factories...xD xD

    Austria, is a scenic country! I dont remember much about austria though..i was sick >.<

  2. Whats ":3" feeling means lol?

  3. been to Spain...Germany, Italy, Russia, all the scandinavian countries, Uk, Netherlands, Swiss, Romania, Austria, then Malasia, thai , Bangkok, thats all..i guess..

  4. Its the best way to convey your feeling you know :)

  5. Oh, i use emocotions a lot you know xD

    Well i find it funny :)

  6. Well..i got bored..so 7/10..7 only because of the theme park and the Haunted house :)

  7. Nah, i am enjoying teasing you :P

    Ill have a "y" after my sentences :P

  8. yep i agree too. The working of mind still remains a mystery..just like "X"

  9. Nah they wont :P

    I am one arrogant ghost :P

  10. Yes i did...but sorry to say, i dont have that interest in disney in general :o

  11. I guess we might never reach to an end in this argument..come to think of it, it began from "X" ..how fascinating!

  12. Oh, just travel west and you will enter into the Mainland of India. Then go more west and you will enter Mumbai, the place i haunt :P

  13. Hmm...i visited france in 9th grade..ie, 4 years ago. Well...I have been to Paris..(which goes without saying), then to Lyon, Lille, Canes, then had a ride in French TGV...but the best part which actually brought tears to my eyes was visiting Douaumont ossuary and places like Normandy :')

  14. That is difficult to explain you know :P

  15. and why dont you think i am simple?

  16. Is that so? But a girl's mind and thoughts are more complex then we men. We are simple you know :P

  17. go there yourself -.-

    Ill go canada :P

  18. You never know what is going on in a girl's mind you see :P

  19. College assignments are hell! Infact so devilish that hell itself spat them out.

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