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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. And i hope you are not annoyed :P

  2. 0.o to earn money i guess? :P

  3. Nah, just pulling your leg :P or pulling your "X" :P

  4. Cause it isnt doing good in the market :P

    Are you hurt? :P

  5. Thanks :) But i hope you are not saying it just because i did :)

    I like you too :P

  6. I will xD...umm... "X" (:P)

  7. I already booked the tickets...x

  8. I know..but somehow i feel i havent thanked you enough or done the same..

  9. Oh i lack in the entity called "Patience".

  10. Oh lol........................

    Spoted the full stops? :P

    Hmm i see..

  11. Rin? Nice! We have a detergent named "Rin" here :P

  12. Chatting with you on trivial things, have made me feel better. Even if it was most stupidest thing, it was good. :)

  13. Oi oi :P

    Whats you name, my dear?

  14. Oh and btw the way, thanks for everything till now. I never told you but, there are some times when my mood have been down and you have helped me come out of it...even if i never told you..thanks :)

  15. Thanks :D

    They call me Zombie IRL <.<

  16. Company meaning "talk/chat" with me :)

    Like...now how should i tell you that ? :o

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