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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. There are more than 85% people who do not know what Higgs Boson is and those 85% know what god particle is. Sadly, the name of "God Particle" is more famous than "Higgs Boson". But anyways, i use the term "Higgs Boson" rather than "God Paricle". Kyuu, switch to Stephen Hawking. The Grand Design and A Brief History of time are some good things to read. Though i accept that almost 60% of it was aerodynamics for me, but maybe not for you. Oh and just for information to all, the "Higgs" is named after the scientist, Peter Higgs. But it was actually 5 Scientist who proposed this theory. Whereas Bosons are elementary particles, named after the scientist, Satyendra Bose, which follow the Einstein-Bose equations/theory.
  2. Glad to hear it. So am i. I more day before it is released :)

  3. No i am not..i feel like a blind man with broken legs :\

  4. Lol..i get embarrassed while i start dancing..coz i dont know how to dance :|

  5. I knew it. Kid is helping you so, ill not disturb :)

  6. find you :(

    Are you okay 0.o?

  7. Nope! I found you Daph Rose xD

  8. Sawadeekap! I learnt that word when i was travelling on Thai Air xD Anyways Welcome to DCW
  9. Its your real identity xD

  10. No -.- it was already popularized 2 years ago >.>

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