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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. Hmm, yes, whats next for arsenal?

  2. Hmm, any special plans in that week?

  3. I even liked "Mansion of Death and Red Wall" too, it was totally unepected xD

  4. Have done it already :D

    Chelsea vs spurs, will watch it :P

  5. I liked it as when it was shown on TV, i missed the concluding part 3 times...and thats why i got more excited.

  6. Moonlight Sonata murder case :) Episode 11

  7. i see, goodluck! :)

    And hows school? :P

  8. Still :(

    That noob Charlie Adam missed a penelty -.-

  9. But still, if you could choose one -.-

  10. lol..how are your drawings going?

  11. i see. Which is your fav episode?

  12. :D

    So how should i trouble you today? :P

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