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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. Just woke up..kinda sleepy :P

  2. it was only released 16 hours ago..and already 2.5 mil views :D

  3. Search "Let it Snow" on google!!

  4. Please do.

    Have you tried Google gravity?

  5. Meh...do one thing, GO READ IT and SEE THE TRIOLOGY ASAP!

    The third movie had received 13/13 oscars!

  6. "Damn" isnt bad lol...

    YOU HAVENT??? Omg..Atleast seen the movies?

  7. You cant? Damn..i dont know why :(

    Anyways, have you read Lord Of The Rings?

  8. I see..:P

    So am i, and ill try to make you feel, Not bored :)

  9. The trailer was just released 16 hours ago..and already 2 MILLION views xD Hail GANDALF!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0k3kHtyoqc

    1. JoJoColman


      we have to wait a whole year :(

    2. Detective Rohit

      Detective Rohit

      Yup, but i can wait :)

      And still i cant wait!

  10. i see, and that ceiling jokes is quite commen now :P

  11. Glad to see many Hound Of Baskervilla's fans
  12. Happy Birthday Rin-chan :D

    Ill send one Rin detergent from here :P

    jking! God bless :)

  13. Why? Its not like i am going to hunt you/hack you...but okay i guess.

  14. Neither am i :P

    but lets start with "Where in Malaysia do you live?"

  15. :P

    Well, it looks like, since 2-3 days, i am talking to you, a LOT :P

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