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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. Excited! xD More info here ---> NASA's Kepler Mission Update.
  2. Oh, okay, See ya! I am looking forward too :)

  3. Yeah..ofcourse you dont remember me :(

  4. 10? lol not even 5 percent. But that 5% episodes were extremely good. Till date, Moonlight Sonata Murder case remains my favourite :)

  5. Hmm, well, when the anime was first shown in India..i used to think that the only 2 criminals would be Gin and Vodka..and in the end, conan wins over both of them...but when i joined DCW..i was like...WOAH! And that increased my interests in anime and manga tremendously!

  6. None..but they say that he was shown once in the first or the second season as Gosho didnt think that the anime would be so successful.

  7. Well, atleast we know that Okiya is connected to the organisation for sure...:D

  8. I think it will be about Sera + Okiya + Amuro.

  9. Umm, i dunno, meet friends hang out, meet my sister, hang out with my family, then theres new year..Lotsa thing xD

  10. Exactly my point, anyways there hasnt been much character improvement of late, so i hope the development of pasts of Okiya, Haibara etc to take place..another BO member will just add more stories..

  11. lol, i was supposed to wrote it on MKK's wall :P

    Yes i miss my family :)

  12. Id just rather see the cover. But yes, finally 800 is releasing. I hope it keeps up to the expectation :D

  13. Nope, you will see magical messi you xD

  14. Whoops wrong person :o

    Well, staying away from home since 6 months, now, ill be returning xD

  15. Nope, you will only see Magical Messi :D

  16. You want spoilers? or you dont want spoilers?

  17. and now i am more lucky :P

  18. Ill be having 1 month holiday after 3 days you know :P

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