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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. I love both! Legends and Myths :P

    But, in some serious manner, i want to do something awesome in my life. I dont want something like studying, get a job, be rich, then get old and die...No! Baseless...I really want to do something much better..i may sound wierd..but still :|

  2. Well, dont worry, just remember that i am a piece of Legend :P

  3. "I used to be a adventurer like you, then i took an arrow in the knee"

    Do you remember this? :P

  4. xD, i wrote it, didnt say it you know :P

  5. Didnt you know?

    I am Rohit The Great :P

    Sent from the heavens as a saviour of Mankind!

    *Loud banging of Drums*

  6. A human? :P

    (Lets hope ) :P :P

  7. Yep, but now, you are not. And i am not anonymous too :D

    And you are not Nobody either! :D

  8. Good thing that i will be at my house with friends watching it And NOT in hostel.
  9. I see! :P Glad you have :P

    And so how have you been 0.o?

  10. Yes? How may i help you brighten your day?

  11. Kk bye! Dont worry, time wil tell, btw

    Real Madrid vs Barcelona on 11th :D

  12. Haha! RVP is nothing compared to Steven Gerrard! :P

  13. Hmm, yeah, though i have to agree that without RVP, arsenal will be relegated :P

  14. Eh? they already defeated you in Carling cup :P

  15. Yeah yeah, that time will tell, first defeat city :P

  16. So? You havent won the league yet, and nor have you defeated liverpool :P

    And dont forget blackburn and 1-6 :P

  17. So i will be saying this once again : I will never understand girls..Never! -.-

    1. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      @ktpt-What a change of mind :P

    2. vawli


      @KtPT: What changed your mind?

      Well same here, I will never understand guys.

    3. Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief

      Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief


      You don't understand me? :( :( :(


    4. Show next comments  186 more
  18. But, i have to say, some people dont realize that money cannot buy the history of Liverpool and Manchester United. *points to Manchini*

  19. I didnt see the match :o

    But i am sad :S

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