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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. So? They are out of the Carling Cup! :P

  2. Yes, this time Real Madrid will win La Liga i guess :o

    ...But Arsenal lost to City yesterday :P :P

  3. Sorry, some friend was troubling me..So hows RIVAL *Evil eyes**

  4. Ah no, not all of them have died, like only 1 out of 100000 have died. But yes, when we look into space, its like a time machine...Like Sirius (Brightest star in the night sky) is 4.2 Light years away..so we are seeing Sirius as it was 4.2 years ago . But i still like your personification Btw US Congress didnt cancel JWST project xD. That just was the best news i have heard of xD But they delayed it till 2018 :S
  5. I want to, but the votes cast before are too many, my mind dosent want me to :S
  6. Sorry, i really didnt get what you said :|

  7. Yup! Which is why i like smiles and jollyful people like you :D

  8. Oh and i didnt send any1 lol..:)

  9. I smiled because Tsuki-chan and Redangel-chan smile a lot
  10. ? It means talk to you later :)

  11. Sorry, i have to run now :o

    I will find some trouble IRL :P

    So bbye :)

  12. Damn, my nission to make you feel better again didnt succeed :(

    I have to run now! So bbye TTLY :)

  13. Lol..anyways, nice talking to you once again!

    Ill go and trouble some of my IRL friends now xD, so i shall take my leave!

    Bbye and Tc Juvi! :P :P

    And nice drawing <3

  14. Oh..then what do you do normally at leisure time?

  15. Yes ofcourse I want to see how Fry acts as Mycroft...and especially when his deduction powers are better than Sherlock, its really going to be a movie to watch. I have heard they are going to travel to France and Germany. In the movie i mean
  16. You are most Welcome!

    Whats your choice of music?

  17. As you wish! *High fives*

    Sorry, i didnt know :S

  18. I see, it will happen for a while, just make some friends! It happened to me too back in april..but you will be fine! And if theres anything bothering you, then do tell me!

  19. Yep! Glad to know that i am not alone :), but still i am alone :P

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