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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. Yep, glad i did :D

    So, why do you think you are lonely? 0.o

  2. Oh i just LOVE chocolates! :D

    And they dont make you fat, only bad for teeth..and fortunately, mine are white and still intact :P

  3. Lol, eat some chocolates! :D

  4. Ahh... you are loner too?

  5. Then eat something sweet along with it :)

    Loosing weight is hard..i live in Hostel, its the best way to loose weight you know :P

  6. Because you post a lot in "Did You smile today", thats how :D Keep Smiling :)

  7. Yeah, thats what i was saying 0.o

    Neither do i celebrate.. i am Hindu... but College fortunately gives a present called "Winter break" :D

  8. ‎2 out of every 5 girls' statuses (every now n then) reads like: awwww!!!♥ ♥ today had loaadsss of fun with nisha,isha, misha & gusha ♥♥...also stay at dundu's house wass awesumm...thnk u shoo muchh dundu :))) u r shoo shweet !! cant frget u guyyysss...:D :D and tuttuu ...will missh u shoo muchh :(( :(( ...hugss.(other blah blahs) ♥♥ !!...mwahh mwaahhhhh..:D which is followed by (God knows for what) 35 likes and 142 comments...-_-..Via Facebook...

    1. Detective Rohit

      Detective Rohit

      @Rival- Its a fact

      @Cf- Sorry if you felt it offensive but then you havent been much on Facebook.

      @Naja- i know..its very annoying >.>

    2. Lovestruck
    3. Cindy-Chen


      OMG. That is disgusting.

    4. Show next comments  195 more
  9. Dont worry! Even i am a loner IRL, but DCW's awesome, you wont feel lonely :)

  10. Yep..sadly..but, its 6 years for you, so Enjoy your dear childhood :D

  11. And i guess you dont have Christmas holidays either 0.o

  12. You will realize how lovely school life was..when you get 18, then life is very very and really very difficult! So enjoy your school life! :)

  13. I see..most boring part of my life is during exams...Sleep is the best friend :P

  14. And do you want to go? Or are you as lazy as me thinking not to go? :P

  15. I will, but not soon :P

    What about you 0.o?

  16. Yep i know that xD

    What time is your school? 0.o

  17. And its 6:10 pm in India,,we almost live on the opposite sides :P

  18. My exams are going on! Beat that :P

  19. Lol i thought you took it seriously! :P

    I am good,exams began today, so.... DCW's more interesting xD and you?

  20. Okay i guess :) So how is your life treating you?

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