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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. I love calling you Juvii! :P or Jovi too :P

  2. The colouring in the eyes is the most exquisite part. Respect!
  3. On request, I have added another poll so that people do not get confused with Greatest and Favourite. In short- Greatest Criminal is the one who is "Most Wanted", "Murderer", "Bloody", "Without Remourse" and "Leaves no Clue Behind. Favourite Criminal is based on what people like. (In most cases it will be Kaito Kid).
  4. This december marks the release of next Sherlock Holmes Movie. Sequel to Sherlock Holmes (2009), most of the actors will reprise their roles again, where Robert Downey Jr, will be Sherlock Holmes and Jude Law will act for Dr Watson. Personally, i enjoyed the 1st movie and i have great expectations from Sherlock Holmes 2. Presence of Professor Moriarty makes it much more exciting. Official Trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNxhpNpnAkk So what are your thoughts?
  5. I am invincible to everything :V

  6. Yup..but results dont change...>.<

  7. Lady Gaga is totally over-rated... Elvis Presley..rather not, coz most of the people dont even know him..and he was kind of Pioneer of Rock and Roll, so ill say he deserves it... The Blackberries..
  8. Too bad people thought you busy playing Skyrim :P which i enjoyed xD

  9. Nope not until 10th atleast.. :|

    And Lucas and Hart were the only 2 players who played well..

  10. gtg, bbye Cf and thanks for that "Forever hug" <3

  11. As long as we talk, we are friends :)...sorry, Cfs :P

  12. I thought you had me added :P

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