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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. I dunno really :P

    But i wont stop spamming :P

  2. 0.o how am i supposed to answer to that :P?

  3. Glad to see you again Ching. Looks like i am really spamming your wall :P

  4. Lol..i rarely know a thing about you :\

  5. So is that a good thing? :D

  6. See :D I knew you were happy xD

  7. We all know who's going to win :P

    Though i wish UTd looses :|

  8. Yep ;)

    Okay lol, ill be waiting :P

  9. Yes..1:30 am in my country :V

  10. Yours holidays begin today right? :D

  11. Nice, you are mysterious too :)

  12. Lol..unusual way that is :P

  13. Nothing much really. You must be happy today :D

  14. And i am an observer rather than a stalker :V

  15. Hahahaha! you are not anonymous :D

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