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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. Anwser my question first..

  2. Yep :)

    Btw..what has put you into sadness?

  3. We grow, we learn more things and we become mature. We loose our childhood as we grow up. This is what is shown in this movie. Yes i am talking about Toy Story 3. Even if you are 18+, this movie will sure appeal you. it shows how tough growing up is.
  4. Just think what Saint Kyuu just said ;)

    Its rings! Are just so adorable <333

  5. I see :P

    I am more interested in its hexagonal cloud :)

  6. i see..

    It is amazing right! Saturn the lord of the rings floating on water :)

  7. 0.0...our sun wont explode

  8. 0.0 Nice!

    I just want to see a supernova before i die :)

  9. "Even I"...umm..i liked that movie too..


  10. Even i find it very interesting :)

  11. Hmm..so you dont want to return? Coz once you go into a black hole, you cannot return! :P

    Stalking Jean..thats smart.

  12. The sound of music is really a sweet movie you know :)

  13. I know..sadly people prefer some parties..didnt i tell you that if we go on date, ill take you to gaze stars instead of some stupid parties? :)

    PS - So you are stalking me? :P

  14. nothing out of box really..and yours?

  15. Smiling is something that the world cannot live without. It allows us to express our positive emotions: love, laughter, joy, and happiness. Therefore, I took it upon myself to create this thread, where you can share those moments that made you grin ear-to-ear. Now, what is the thread for, you say? Quite simple really. If you have something to share that made you smile, feel free to do so below! Also, refrain from posting replies such as "I smiled today, because..its a secret".
  16. Hi :) I am from Mumbai :)

    How are you? ^-^

  17. Nice to meet you too :)

    I am from Mumbai :) You?

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