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Detective Conan World

Detective Rohit

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Everything posted by Detective Rohit

  1. How is my dear ♥ nechan :D

  2. well...i had heart-break..last year..when i was 17..i used to shy to girls when i was 13..0.0

    College effect you know :P

  3. oh..well..i really dunno what to say..but i have been through a heartbreak too..its really very difficult..i can feel you..

  4. First tell me..why are you sad and depressed? :(

  5. Oh well...i made a mistake by choosing wrong friend :| why should i cry over it again?

  6. Well..i am back to myself..but i guess it was a big shock to me :o

  7. Lol..i dont mind anyways :P

  8. Call me anything..except "Dude" :)

  9. Gah..never mind...so how is Cf ? :)

  10. Gah..my handwriting is...still cuniform..>.>
  11. I tried to send you a pm...but i think you need to clear your pm first

  12. Well..this song...one of my favourite..especially when i am sad.. Savage Garden - Crash and Burn
  13. If i am...I really dont know why such things happen to me...which has led me to believe that i am a useless guy..

  14. Am i a good person? I am sorry if i have troubled you before..really sorry..:(

  15. Be my guest..umm..i want to send you a PM..please answer it carefully..ill send it aftersome time..i am quite shattered and sad right now..please help me as fast as you can..i need some air..ttyl :(

  16. I will be honest here. Yes India is unity in diversity. We have almost all the religions, with Hinduism and Buddhism originating. Yes India is very beautiful and a super power of the future, but, we still face problems like Poverty..hunger..corruption..a typical developing country. We still have to learn a lot from the european countries. But overall! India is amazing :D

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