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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Hejle

  1. Just saw DC episode 304

    1. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      Something interesting?

    2. Hejle


      yeah... It's a special episode.... It's known as A shaking police HQ and 12 millions hostages.

    3. Moonlight Magician
  2. Cheater, I wanna be at japan...
  3. Laver alle mulige ting...... Men skal nok være her oftere....

  4. I'm lost... Who is "Judy"???? Ohh, and I'm back. It's been so long since i visited this thread (mainly because my pc was being repaired). Sorry. I just realized that the thread had grown like 50 pages or so, since my last time here... And i got a Scooter (may post a picture later), and a job/work. Going to start working on Tuesday and i will earn 65 Danish crowns pro hour. (Google says thats about 12,413375 $)
  5. I'm doing great.... I got my pc baaaaack... :D :D

  6. Can't ascces to my computer so it will take some time between my answers. I am now at a library.

  7. Thanks... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  8. Add me on TwItTeR.... :D

  9. Watch the two first videos of my status... :D

  10. KtPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Ummmmm....... Fordi jeg er sulten????

  12. Hold din k*ft... jeg bander når jeg vil (LOL; JOKE; LOL) *Mad laugh from Steins Gate*

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