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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Hejle

  1. I'm gonna clean my room now...

    Jeg vil gå i gang med rengøring at mit værelse...

  2. "The krone" is in English "the Danish Crown"

    Read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danish_krone

  3. I'll kill you (Not, it's a Joke... :D)

  4. You are CrAzY...

    Hehehe, Jeg har også ferie nu.... :D

  5. Arm Slave.... AS ARX-7(Arbalest)

  6. It's the newest military equipment....

  7. *introducing new Teddy to KtPT*

    Kid, jump in it, did i order him to.

    Okay, was the answer.

    *Attempting voice check*

    Hey, what is this, said KtPT.

    *User recognized as KtPT. Attemting mode 2 - Guest*

    This is the newest art of an Arm Slave. I has been equipped with armor that's able to stop even a rifel.... It's Bonta-Kun

  8. Ændrede Profil-billed.....

  9. Jeg vidste duk ville lide det... har du set mir´t billed

  10. Happy birthday - Danish Local time 00:02....

  11. My name changed back!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Found a place to download "A Study in Scarlet". Yes, it's the first book featuring Sherlock Holmes...

    1. EdiblePencil


      That's when Holmes refused to learn about the solar system, right? I laughed out loud at that part.

    2. Hejle


      That's right... And i just start reading it today....

    3. mabel


      I got the whole series...

    4. Show next comments  180 more
  13. A week till summer... Woah, can't wait... And sorry for being inactive right now...

    1. Hejle


      You don't say so...

    2. Balthazar Manfredie
    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      LOL, Baltha..... Anyway, school is soon over! I can't wait either!! XD Hano~!!! *high five*

    4. Show next comments  180 more
  14. Is that a "Darker than Black", name????

  15. Happy Birthday... :D

  16. Finished all my exams... Writing an interesting one shot crossover. Having a networkconnectiont the breakdown everyhour...

  17. About a week ago....

  18. Whaaat... I thought i already added you as an friend.... OMG, i must had dreamed that... :D

  19. Happy birthday... Yay... :D

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