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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Hejle

  1. New picture... Not bad, but the old one was better.... :D

  2. Happy birthday :D (note, here in Denmark is it 22:46 pm...)

  3. Happy Birthday...

  4. Jeg læser... ses senere...

  5. Dig, du vil ikke sove... :D

  6. Jeg er god til det (forhåbentligt næsten lige så god som Cure-kun) Men eksamen er bare lort, og jeg vil hellere sove... (Hvem vil ikke det) :D

    Også bruger jeg en masse tid på at læse alt det vi har arbejdet med her i året... :(

    Men jeg klare den....

  7. Jeg vil ikke. Jeg vil hellere læse DC hele dagen...

  8. Cure-kun I call you forth... Help me understand all about nuclear, light, sound and waves (Physic-exam tomorrow) :D

  9. Det er fordi....


    Jo, ser du....

    Nej nej nej....

    Hmmm, jeg skal lave fysik.... ses... :D

  10. Jeg nævnte ingen dørklokke... JEg har taget en koklokke med.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

  11. I thought so...

    Hmmm, kan jeg ikke give dig stuearrest.. Ringer på døren...

  12. I'd like to add...-->Mabel and KtPt <--- I sense something going on here...


    I blame you because you told me to make it. And I disagree with that pairing. For reasons I know of, but am unwilling to reveal, unless KtPT would like to come up and say it.

    Forklar eller du får stuearrest.

  13. GReaT... Got a question 2 sec...

  14. Fysik dude... Tager du ikk med til new jewsey???

  15. Yo... :D Why not posting something on the forum... Oh, what are you doing???

  16. Hejle


    Hano received a call from his farther. Hano had to stay at a small apartment his dad just rented. Then his dad would tell him when he could go home... As he walked out of the Café he saw a boy and a girl at his age. Somehow they looked familiarly...
  17. Hejle


    Hano answers KtPT: *Jeg skulle til Sverige med færge, men gik ind i den forkerte færge, så nu er jeg i New Jersey* Meanwhile ordered Hano Cake, and begins to watch DC on his Laptop... Translates to: *I had to go to Sweden by a ferry, but entered the wrong ferry, so now am i in New Jersy*
  18. Hejle


    Hano arrived at New Jersey's harbor. He accidentally got on the wrong boat and now was he stranded in a different country. In his possession was a Mobile phone, Laptop, some money and 1 kg chocolate. He found a café and logged on DCW while waiting for his dad to call. Ohh, KtPT is online! He send a message containing....
  19. Are you talking about star-signs???
  20. You are Online... .Introduce yourself...

  21. Jeg fik pomfritter og slush ice...

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