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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Hejle

  1. Trust me.... I have no reason to betray you. Remember, that if you don't trust anyone, nobody will really trust you (maybe temporally though)... Sniff... :D

  2. Why not trusting anyone... :D

    (Are you serious)

  3. Hejle

    Random Thought

    I see no advice.... Only words.. Just kidding.
  4. Hejle

    Random Thought

    If you don't act friendly i'll send The whole syndicate after you... Hehe
  5. I would be surprised if the person that love KKLT begins to bully her... As for the informating we got, i think that would be unreasonable... and I like the two first steps... @Karan Don't double-post... Use "Edit"button... FGS
  6. Hmm..... Hmmmm..... Hmmmmmm.....

    DO you still not trust me(us) (referring to your "About Me"-page). Hmmm Hmmmmm Hmmmmmm

    Just kidding :P

  7. Hmmm looking at it...

    I've never wrote this:

    ":D (Amber)=(Smiling) :D "

    Gotta be my secret personality.. :D

  8. Hejle

    Random Thought

    Not anymore - take a closer look... It's..... Hei/BK-201/Li Shengshun
  9. Hejle

    Random Thought

    I am scary... You know... just changed the time, and grew younger...
  10. Yeah... A hardened(fossilized) resin...

    So, you are a stone...

    Note: Amber is translated to danish as "Rav".

  11. Maybe he meant "Bad" instead of "Bed"
  12. So i learned something... I thought it was a stone...

  13. Hejle

    Random Thought

    That's because I'm you.... Whoah...
  14. Ohh... Let's just say i changed my name since it was your birthday yesterday... Hmmm, I really like that there actually was a person with that name. Yesterday, i didn't know that was possible.. :D :D :D ;D

  15. So you were online....

    I have an anime i would recommend for you "Darker Than Black".

    Random thought: How would you describe forgiveness???

  16. Hmmm.... Right now i really feel like a girl... Weird isn't it???

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      But.. You've never been a girl.. How can you then know if you feel like one?? óÒ

    2. Hejle


      Just a feeling... :P

    3. OldJustal


      I crossdress as a girl and work at a man bar T.T

    4. Show next comments  192 more
  17. Your name is... Amber?????

    Sugoi... You got a nice name... :D :D :D

  18. Hejle

    Random Thought

    I know.... Gotta use my time changing-powers to look at the future...
  19. Hejle

    Random Thought

    I've Changed my name and picture... Now i read messages about others thinking a was a girl, so i'm gonna make some tea...
  20. Aww... Men ændre nok os billedet.. ;D

  21. Pludselig indskydelse.... :D

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